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Turbin banki merupakan salah satu jenis turbin untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga mikrohidro. Desain turbin banki memerlukan optimasi agar diperoleh desain yang optimum. Ada beberapa bagian yang perlu dioptimasi, salah satunya bagian piringan runner. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis ketebalan piringan runner, membandingkan kekuatan profil ketebalan piringan runner antar variasi yang dibuat untuk mendapatkan ketebalan piringan runner yang optimum. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen menggunakan software Autodesk Inventor melalui simulasi uji stress analysis. Optimasi berlandaskan pada nilai faktor keamanan dari sudu runner yang tertimpa beban pada runner assembly. Analisis tegangan dilakukan dengan beberapa varian ketebalan piringan runner yaitu varian piringan runner RD-1 dengan ketebalan 6 mm, varian piringan runner RD-2 dengan ketebalan 5 mm, varian piringan runner RD-3 dengan ketebalan 4 mm, varian piringan runner RD-4 dengan ketebalan 3 mm, dan varian piringan runner RD-5 dengan ketebalan 2,5 mm. Nilai optimasi tegangan yield dibandingkan dengan tegangan yang terjadi ≥ 3,00 ul (unitless). Dari hasil uji analisis tegangan diperoleh bahwa ketebalan piringan runner yang divariasikan dapat memengaruhi nilai tegangan von mises dan nilai safety factor yang menunjukkan bahwa faktor keamanan dengan bentuk yang paling optimum adalah varian RD-5 dengan faktor keamanan sebesar 3,89 ul cukup memenuhi untuk turbin banki dengan ketebalan runner disk yang diaplikasikan sebesar 4 mm. The banki turbine is one type of turbine for micro hydropower plants. Banki turbine design requires optimization to obtain an optimum design. Several parts need to be optimized, one of which is the runner disk. The purpose of this research is to analyze the thickness of the runner's disk, to compare the strength of the plate thickness profile between the variations made to obtain the optimal runner plate thickness. The research was conducted with an experimental method using Autodesk Inventor software through a simulation of stress analysis tests. Optimization is based on the value of the safety factor of the runner blades that are under load on the runner assembly. Stress analysis was carried out with several variants of the runner disk thickness, namely the RD-1 runner disk variant with a thickness of 6 mm, the RD-2 runner disk variant with a thickness of 5 mm, the RD-3 runner disk variant with a thickness of 4 mm, the RD-4 runner dish variant with a thickness of 4 mm. 3 mm thickness, and the RD-5 runner dish variant with a thickness of 2.5 mm. The optimization value of yield stress is compared to the stress that occurs ≥ 3.00 ul (unitless). From the results of the stress analysis test, it is found that the varied thickness of the runner disk can affect the value of the adverse stress and the value of the safety factor which indicates that the safety factor with the most optimal form is the RD-5 variant with a safety factor of 3.89 ul which is sufficient for banki turbine with an applied runner disk thickness of 4 mm.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: 1). Ragil Sukarno, M.T. ; 2). Drs. H. Sirojuddin, M.T.
Subjects: Teknologi dan Ilmu Terapan > Teknik Mesin, Mekanika Teknik
Divisions: FT > S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: Users 9200 not found.
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2021 07:17
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2021 07:17
URI: http://repository.unj.ac.id/id/eprint/13601

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