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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentasi cedera yang terjadi pada atlet FAJI Kota Depok. Cedera olahraga adalah rasa sakit yang ditimbulkan karena olahraga, sehingga cepat menimbulkan cacat, luka, dan rusak pada otot atau sendi serta bagian lain dari tubuh. Cedera oahraga apabila tidak ditangani dengan cepat dan benar dapat mengakibatkan gangguan dan keterbatasan fisik. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan kuesioner menggunakan google form. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah atlet Arung Jeram Kota Depok yang telah diambil sampel oeh peneliti sebanyak 16 responden kemudian dianalisis menggunakan bantuan komputer Microsoft Excel dan program SPSS 25 untuk mengetahui frekuesi, skor, dan rata-rata pada kuesioner. Dengan hasil survei cedera olahraga yang peneliti teliti sebnyak 16 responden, jenis cedera yang dialami 15 orang kram otot, 12 orang memar, 13 orang lecet/luka, ketiga jenis cedera ini berada pada skala interval Kadang-kadang. Sedangkan 5 orang memilih Jarang mengalami sprain tingkat I. Ekstremitas Atas mengalami cedera pada bagian bahu 15 orang, lengan atas 15 orang, pergelangan tangan 12 orang, jari tangan 10 orang berada pada skala interval 2,61 - 3,40 artinya kadang-kadang. Cedera leher 8 orang, siku 6 orang, lengan bawah 11 orang berada pada skala interval 1,81-2,60 artinya jarang. Ekstremitas Bawah pada ankle 13 orang (kadang-kadang), punggung 12 orang, paha 9 orang, lutut 8 orang, betis 8 orang (Jarang). Penanganan cedera 15 orang melakukan stretching (sering), 13 orang metode RICE dan 12 orang tidak diberikan penanganan (kadang-kadang), sedangkan 9 orang bidai, 6 orang mengonsumsi obat-obatan (Jarang). Berdasarkan hasil survei penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Atlet FAJI Kota Depok Jarang mengalami cedera olahraga. Kata Kunci : Cedera Olahraga, Arung Jeram, Survei This research aims to know the percentage of injury that occurs in FAJI athletes in Depok City. A sports injury is pain that caused by exercise, which quickly results in disability, injury, and damage to muscles or joints and other parts of the body. If not handled quickly and properly, sports injury can result in physical disruption and limitations. The data collection technique in this study is using questionnaire with the google form.The population in this study was sixteen rafting athletes in Depok City who were taken as samples by researchers then be analyzed using Microsoft Excel computer assistance and the SPSS 25 program to know the frequency, score, and average the questionnaire. With the results of the sports injury survey, which the researcher examined as many as 16 respondents, Types of injury experienced were 15 people muscle cramp, 12 people bruised, 13 people scuffed / wounded, these three types of injuries were on the interval scale Sometimes. Meanwhile, 5 people chose rarely experienced level I sprains. The upper limb suffered injuries were 15 people on the shoulders, 15 people on upper arms, 12 people on wrists and 10 people on fingers show an interval scale of 2.61 - 3.40 which means sometimes. Next, 8 people were injured on neck, 6 people on elbow, 11 people on forearm, show the interval scale from 1.8 to 2.60 which means rarely. On the lower limb, 13 people on ankle (sometimes), 12 people on back, 9 people on thigh, 8 people on thigh, 8 people on calf (rarely). The injury treatment, 15 people were stretching (often), 13 people with the RICE method and 12 people were not given treatment (sometimes), while 9 people splinted, 6 people took medicine (Rarely). Based on the results of the research survey, it can be concluded that FAJI athletes in Depok City experience sports injuries rarely. Keywords: Sports Injury, Rafting, Survey

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: 1). Dr. Iwan Hermawan, M.Pd.; 2). dr Bazzar Ari Mighra, Sp.N.
Subjects: Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > Pendidikan Olah Raga
Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > Pendidikan Olah Raga > Aneka Olah Raga
Divisions: FIO > Ilmu Keolahragaan
Depositing User: Users 10144 not found.
Date Deposited: 01 Apr 2021 02:45
Last Modified: 01 Apr 2021 02:45

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