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Di sekolah, proses pembelajaran fisika masih bersifat konvensional dimana guru sebagi pusat pembelajarn. Hal tersebut menyebabkan kurangnya minat belajar dan hasil yang tidak maksimal karena kurangnya pemahaman materi. Dengan berkembangnya bidang pendidikan pada saat ini, keterbaruan model pembelajaran dengan project based learning terintegrasi STEM dapat diterapkan. Penerapan model tersebut tentunya dibutuhkan suatu media pembelajaran untuk membantu proses belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan desain dan media project based learning terintegrasi STEM yang dapat digunakan untuk materi gerak parabola di SMA. Dalam penelitian ini, media dikembangkan dengan metode Research and Development (RnD) dengan model Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate (ADDIE). Media ini melalui tahap validasi oleh para ahli dan implementasi kepada guru dan peserta didik menggunakan instrumen penelitian berupa angket dengan empat poin skala likert. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa skor rata – rata oleh ahli materi sebesar 3,8, ahli media sebesar 3,3, dan ahli pembelajaran sebesar 3,5. Dengan ini, media dilanjutkan uji coba penggunaannya setelah tahap revisi. Uji coba dilakukan oleh guru dan 28 peserta didik X IPA 1 di SMA Negeri 107 Jakarta dengan hasil skor rata-rata sebesar 3,6 dan 3,6. Hasil validasi dan uji coba menunjukkan keduanya masuk kategori sangat layak. Sehingga, desain dan media project based learning terintegrasi STEM yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan untuk materi gerak parabola di SMA. At schools, the physics learning process is still conventional which the teacher is the center of learned. It causes a lack of interest in learning and the outcomes are not optimal due to a lack of understanding of the topic. The development of education sector at this time, the latest learning model of STEM integrated project based learning can be applied. The implementation of this model, appropriate learning media is needed to support the learning process. This research aims to develop a STEM integrated project based learning design and media that can be used for projectile motion in senior high school. In this research, the media was developed by conducting the Research and Development (RnD) method with the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate (ADDIE) model. The media has been through validation step by expert and implementation by teachers and students that using a questionnaire with four points of the Likert scale. The validation results showed that the average score by material expert is 3.8, media expert is 3.3, and learning expert is 3.5. Furthermore, the media was implemented by the teacher and 28 students of X IPA 1 at SMA Negeri 107 Jakarta with an average score of 3.6 and 3.6. Both validation and implementation results showed that the media was very feasible category. Therefore, the development of STEM integrated project based learning design and media can be used for projectile motion in senior high school.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Additional Information: | 1). Dr. rer. nat Bambang Heru Iswanto, M.Si , 2). Dr. Mutia Delina, M.Si |
Subjects: | Sains > Fisika |
Divisions: | FMIPA > S1 Pendidikan Fisika |
Depositing User: | Users 13256 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 02 Mar 2022 03:01 |
Last Modified: | 02 Mar 2022 03:01 |
URI: | |
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