DEDEH KURNIASIH, . (2022) PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH MELALUI DARING UNTUK ANAK USIA DINI Studi Evaluatif Penerapan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di TK QLC School Kecamatan Pancoran Jakarta Selatan. Magister thesis, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA.
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Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab bagaimana agar Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) bagi anak usia dini dapat dilaksanakan secara efektif, mengingat salah satu dampak pandemi COVID-19 adalah diharuskannya sekolah melaksanakan PJJ namun pada sisi lain pendidikan anak usia dini membutuhkan aspek hands-on atau interaksi langsung antara guru dan peserta didik. Di samping itu, terlepas dari faktor pandemi, perkembangan menunjukkan bahwa moda pembelajaran campuran (hybrid learning) yang di dalamnya terdapat PJJ, akan menjadi kebutuhan di masa depan, tidak terkecuali pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode evaluasi CIPP (Context-Input-Process-Product). Data diperoleh melalui observasi dan pengamatan langsung, wawancara mendalam, kuesioner dan studi dokumentasi. Untuk menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan teknik analisis data model Miles and Hubberman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa satuan PAUD QLC School telah efektif dalam melaksanakan PJJ, meskipun masih ditemukan beberapa kekurangan dalam pelaksanaannya. Berdasarkan evaluasi berbasis CIPP, ditemukan bahwa TK QLC School telah memenuhi kriteria empat komponen pendukung yang menentukan keberhasilan PJJ-nya, yaitu komponen Konteks, Input, Proses dan Produk. Pada aspek Konteks, TK QLC School telah sangat baik dalam visi, misi, tujuan serta hal-hal yang terkait dengan sosial ekonomi orang tua siswa. Pada aspek Input, peran aktif yayasan menjadi faktor kekuatan terutama dalam membuat desain, sistem serta regulasi PJJ, termasuk keberhasilannya mendapatkan lisensi penuh G Suite for Education dari Google sebagai aplikasi pendukung kegiatan PJJ. Selain itu, pada komponen Input juga diperkuat oleh unsur guru, peserta didik, fasilitas serta dukungan orang tua siswa. Di antara kekurangan yang ditemukan terdapat pada aspek Proses, yaitu adanya ketidakseragaman durasi dan kualitas video pembelajaran dari para guru. Kekurangan ini disebabkan tidak adanya bagian khusus yang menangani apakah video memenuhi standar atau tidak. Di samping itu, keluhan juga muncul karena kurang variatifnya sistem PJJ, akan tetapi keluhan ini lebih disebabkan oleh lamanya masa PJJ yang mencapai dua tahun. Adapun pada aspek Produk, semua hasil menunjukkan bahwa PJJ TK QLC School telah berhasil dan sukses. Salah satu faktor terbesar kesuksesan PJJ TK QLC School adalah lancarnya komunikasi antara sekolah, guru dan orang tua siswa melalui berbagai platform. Penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa PJJ TK QLC School dapat dianggap sebagai salah satu best practice pelaksanaan PJJ di masa pandemi COVID-19 dengan segala tantangannya. Oleh karena itu, dalam konteks kebutuhan PJJ di masa mendatang, sistem PJJ TK QLC School dapat dijadikan model yang baik bagi sekolah-sekolah serumpunnya, termasuk dalam konteks hybrid learning yang semakin menjadi kebutuhan di masa mendatang.***** This research was trying to answer how distance learning for early child can be conducted effectively since schools are to have distance learning in the midst of Covid-19 impact. On the other hands, in early childhood education, it needed hands-on aspect interaction between teachers and students. Besides, the development in early childhood education proved that hybrid learning which involved distance learning will become the need in the future including preschool education regardless of pandemic factor. This qualitative research used the method of CIPP evaluation. The data were obtained through observation, direct supervision, in-depth interview, questionnaire, and documented study. In analyzing the data, the researcher applied the technique of data analyses of Miles and Hubberman model. The result of research indicated that the unit of Preschool of QLC School has been effective in carrying out distance learning although it still had some weaknesses in performing it. Based on the evaluation of CIPP Basis, it was identified that Kindergarten of QLC has filled the criteria of four supporting components which determined the success of distance learning. The components are context, input, process, and product. In Context aspect, Kindergarten of QLC School has been good in vision and mission, goals along with the matters related to social and economics of parents. In input aspect, the active role of foundation becomes the important factor in creating the design, system and distance learning regulation including the success in attaining the full licence of G Suite for Education from Google as supporting application in distance learning activities. Moreover, in input component, it was also strengthened by teachers, students, facilities and the support from parents. Among the weaknesses found in process aspect, there was not uniformity in duration and the quality of learning video from teachers. It was all caused by the absence of special division which handled and managed the video whether it filled the standard or no. Besides, the complaint appeared because the distance learning system was less attractive. However, this complaint was actually about the length of distance learning which has taken for almost two years. Whereas in product aspect the result indicated that the distance learning in Kindergarten of QLC School has been conducted successfully. One of the successful factors lied on the good communication among teachers, students, and parents through some platforms. Lastly, this research concluded that the distance learning in Kindergarten of QLC School could be considered as the best practise in distance learning implementation during Covid-19 pandemic with all challenges. Furthermore, in context of the future distance learning needs, the distance learning system in Kindergarten of QLC School can be the good example for other similar schools like QLC School including in hybrid learning context which becomes necessary in the future ahead.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Additional Information: | 1). Dr. Sri Wulan, M.Si. ; 2). Dr. Hapidin, M.Pd. |
Subjects: | Pendidikan > Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan > Pendidikan Dasar > Pendidikan Anak |
Divisions: | PASCASARJANA > S2 Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini |
Depositing User: | Users 14832 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 22 Aug 2022 03:29 |
Last Modified: | 22 Aug 2022 03:29 |
URI: | |
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