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Tujuan peneulis ini adalah untuk 1) Menganalisis proses Model Latihan Sirkuit Training Berbasis LTAD Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Atlet Under 12-15 Tahun Cabang Olahraga Bola Tangan, 2) Menganalisis kelayakan Model Latihan Sirkuit Training Berbasis LTAD Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Atlet Under 12-15 Tahun Cabang Olahraga Bola Tangan, 3) Mengkaji efektivitas Model Latihan Sirkuit Training Berbasis LTAD Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Atlet Under 12-15 Tahun Cabang Olahraga Bola Tangan, Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sejak bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan Juni 2024. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian dan pengembangan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain” pretest-postest experiment”. Sampel pada penelitian menggunakan 20 atlet bola tangan Akademik Handball Jakarta sebagai eksperimen. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Indonesia dengan berfokus pada daya tahan. Hasil pengujian efektifitas model latihan sirkuit training untuk meningkat daya tahan dijabarkabr kedalam data hasil Pretest, postest dan uji rata-rata pretes-postest serta pengujian persyaratan analisis menggunakan uji normalitas dan homogenitas. Hasil analisis data menunjukan 1) Model latihan Sirkuit Trainig Berbasis LTAD Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Atlet Under 12-15 Tahun Cabang Olahraga Bola Tangan dikembangkan dengan mengacu pada proses pengembangan ADDIE, 2) Berdasarkan uji kelayakan produk model latihan Sirkuit Trainig Berbasis LTAD Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Atlet Under 12-15 Tahun Cabang Olahraga Bola Tangan diuji oleh 3 ahli yang menyatakan bahwa Model Latihan Sirkuit Trainig Berbasis LTAD Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Atlet Under 12-15 Tahun Cabang Olahraga Bola Tanganlayak untuk digunakan sebagai refrensi dalam program latihan, 3) Berdasarkan hasil uji efektifitas yang melibatkan 14 atlet menunjukan bahwa Model Sirkuit Trainig Berbasis LTAD Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Atlet Under 12-15 Tahun Cabang Olahraga Bola Tangan efektif untuk digunakan dalam meningkatkan daya tahan atlet bola tangan. **** The aim of this author is to 1) Analyze the process of the LTAD Based Circuit Training Model to Increase the Edurance of AthletmUnder 12-15 Years in Handball, 2) Analyze the feasibility of the feasibility of the LTAD Circuit Training Models to Increase the Endurance of Athlet Under 12-15 Years Handball, 3) Examining the effectiveness of the LTAD-BASED Circuit Training Models to Increase the Endurance of Athlet Under 12-15 Years in Handball, This research was carried out from January to Juni 2024. This research uses the research and development method using models ADDIE. This research design uses an experiment method with a “presets-posttest experiment” design. The research sample used 20 Jakarta Handball Academic Athletes as experiments. The instrument used in this research was the Indonesia physical fitness test with a focus on endurance. The results of testing the effectiveness of the circuit training exercise models to increase endurance are translated into pretest, posttest, and average pretest data analysis requirements using normality and homogeneity tests. The results of the data analysis show 1) The LTAD-based circuit training models to increase the endurance of athletes under 12-15 years old in the handball sport was developed in reference the ADDIE development process, 2) Based on the product feasibility test, the LTAD-base circuit training models to increase endurance athlete Under 12-15 Years of handball was tested by 3 experts who stated that the LTAD Based Circuit Training Models to Increase the Endurance of Athletes Under 12-15 Years of Handball was suitable to be used as a reference in training programs, 3) Based on test results the effectiveness involving 20 athletes show that the LTAD Based Training Circuit Models for Increasing the Endurance of Athletes Under 12-15 Years of Handball is effective for use in increasing the endurance of handball athletes. LTAD-BASED TRAINING CIRCUIT EXERCISE MODELS TO INCREASE THE ENDURANCE OF ATHLETES UNDER 12-15 YEARS OF HANDBALL SPORT ABSTRACT The aim of this author is to 1) Analyze the process of the LTAD Based Circuit Training Model to Increase the Edurance of AthletmUnder 12-15 Years in Handball, 2) Analyze the feasibility of the feasibility of the LTAD Circuit Training Models to Increase the Endurance of Athlet Under 12-15 Years Handball, 3) Examining the effectiveness of the LTAD-BASED Circuit Training Models to Increase the Endurance of Athlet Under 12-15 Years in Handball, This research was carried out from January to Juni 2024. This research uses the research and development method using models ADDIE. This research design uses an experiment method with a “presets-posttest experiment” design. The research sample used 20 Jakarta Handball Academic Athletes as experiments. The instrument used in this research was the Indonesia physical fitness test with a focus on endurance. The results of testing the effectiveness of the circuit training exercise models to increase endurance are translated into pretest, posttest, and average pretest data analysis requirements using normality and homogeneity tests. The results of the data analysis show 1) The LTAD-based circuit training models to increase the endurance of athletes under 12-15 years old in the handball sport was developed in reference the ADDIE development process, 2) Based on the product feasibility test, the LTAD-base circuit training models to increase endurance athlete Under 12-15 Years of handball was tested by 3 experts who stated that the LTAD Based Circuit Training Models to Increase the Endurance of Athletes Under 12-15 Years of Handball was suitable to be used as a reference in training programs, 3) Based on test results the effectiveness involving 20 athletes show that the LTAD Based Training Circuit Models for Increasing the Endurance of Athletes Under 12-15 Years of Handball is effective for use in increasing the endurance of handball athletes. Keywords: Model, Circuit training, Endurance, and Handbal

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Additional Information: 1). Dr. Oman Unju Subandi, M.Pd. ; 2). Prof. Dr. Johansyah Lubis, M.Pd.
Subjects: Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > Pendidikan Olah Raga
Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > Pendidikan Olah Raga > Kepelatihan,Manajemen Kepelatihan
Divisions: FIO > Pendidikan Jasmani
Depositing User: Users 23803 not found.
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2024 05:11
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2024 05:11

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