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Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan pendeposisian lapisan tipis ZnO menggunakan doping Co dengan variasi konsentrasi 10% Co, 15% Co, dan 20% Co di atas substrat silikon (Si) pada suhu 450oC. Pendeposisian lapisan tipis ZnO dilakukan dengan metode ultrasonic spray pyrolysis selama 20 menit. Karakterisasi struktur kristal dilakukan menggunakan X-Ray Diffractrometer (D8 Advance Family), karakterisasi sifat optik dilakukan menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis Maya 2000 Pro, dan uji aktivitas fotokatalis dilakukan menggunakan Solar Simulator serta Spektrometer. Pengaruh penambahan Co pada lapisan tipis ZnO dianalisis dengan membandingkan sampel pada lapisan tipis ZnO tanpa doping. Berdasarkan pola XRD, terkonfirmasi bahwa lapisan tipis ZnO dan ZnO:Co adalah polikristalin dengan struktur wurtzite hexagonal. Pola XRD menunjukkan bahwa lapisan tipis ZnO memiliki orientasi preferensial pada bidang (002). Sementara itu, lapisan tipis ZnO: 10% Co, ZnO: 15% Co, dan ZnO 20% Co memiliki orientasi preferensial pada bidang (101) serta bidang (100) menurun yang menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi doping Co memodifikasi pertumbuhan lapisan tipis. Penambahan konsentrasi doping Co mampu meningkatkan ukuran kristal lapisan tipis ZnO, menurunkan besar FWHM, serta parameter kisi a dan c menurun seiring dengan penambahan konsentrasi doping Co maka ion Co berhasil menggantikan ion Zn dalam kisi ZnO. Penambahan konsentrasi doping Co mengakibatkan peningkatan spektrum reflektansi lapisan tipis ZnO dan ZnO: Co. Ditemukan bahwa spektrum absorbansi fotodegradasi MB dengan menggunakan lapisan tipis ZnO dan ZnO: Co mengalami penurunan. Fotodegradasi MB oleh lapisan tipis ZnO: Co mengalami penurunan aktivitas fotokatalis dibandingkan dengan fotodegradasi MB oleh lapisan tipis ZnO. Konsentrasi doping Co yang lebih tinggi mengurangi kinerja fotokatalitik. *********************************************** In this study, Co doped ZnO thin film has been deposited by using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis with various concentrations of 10% Co, 15% Co, and 20% Co on silicon (Si) substrate at 450oC for 20 minutes. The crystal structure characterization was investigated by using X-Ray Diffractrometer (D8 Advance Family), the optical properties characterization was investigated by using UV-Vis Maya 2000 Pro Spectrophotometer, and the photocatalyst activity was investigated by using Solar Simulator and Spectrometer. The effect of the addition of Co doped ZnO thin film was analyzed by comparison with the undoped ZnO thin film. Based on the XRD pattern, it was confirmed that the ZnO and ZnO:Co thin films were well polycrystalline with hexagonal wurtzite structure. The XRD pattern shows that the ZnO thin film has a preferential orientation in the (002) plane. Meanwhile, the ZnO: 10% Co, ZnO: 15% Co, and ZnO 20% Co thin films have a preferential orientation in the (101) plane and the (100) plane decreases which indicates that the effect of increasing Co doping concentration modifies the growth of the thin films. The addition of Co doping concentration increase the crystal size of the ZnO thin films, decrease the FWHM, and the lattice parameters a and c decrease along with the addition of the Co doping concentration, so the Co ions are successfully substituted into Zn ions in the ZnO lattice. The addition of Co doping concentration shows that the reflectance spectra of the ZnO and ZnO:Co thin films increased. It was found that the absorption spectra during the photodegradation of MB using ZnO and ZnO:Co thin films decreased. Photodegradation of MB by ZnO thin film with Co doping decreased the photocatalyst activity compared to photodegradation of MB by ZnO thin film. The higher concentration of Co doping reduces the photocatalytic performance.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Additional Information: | 1). Dr. Iwan Sugihartono, M.Si.; 2). Dr. Isnaeni, M.Sc |
Subjects: | Sains > Fisika |
Divisions: | FMIPA > S1 Fisika |
Depositing User: | sawung yudo |
Date Deposited: | 29 Oct 2024 02:32 |
Last Modified: | 29 Oct 2024 02:32 |
URI: | |
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