Pola Konsultasi dan Kemitraan dalam Pencegahan dan Penanganan Narkoba di Kalangan Remaja

Meutia, Intan Fitri and Tresiana, Novita and Duadji, Noverman and Utoyo, Bambang and Kagungan, Dian and Assalam, Muhammad Shafwan (2024) Pola Konsultasi dan Kemitraan dalam Pencegahan dan Penanganan Narkoba di Kalangan Remaja. Sarwahita, 21 (02). pp. 233-244. ISSN 0216-7484

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Official URL: https://doi.org/10.21009/sarwahita.212.10


This community service activity aims to provide a pattern of cooperation or partnership between actors in preventing drug abuse in the educational environment. The target to be achieved is disseminating information to the public, especially those in the educational environment for teenagers at SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung. The method used is FGD (Focus Group Discussion) to achieve these specific goals and targets. The activities carried out will focus on the introduction and understanding of the Consultation and Partnership model in efforts to handle and prevent drugs among adolescents. The expected result is that there are efforts to prevent and handle drugs among adolescents of high school age through collaboration between the school, parents, and relevant stakeholders to raise awareness of efforts to prevent drugs. Activities are evaluated by filling out a questionnaire (questionnaire test). This community service did pre-test and post-test.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Ilmu Sosial > Kondisi Sosial,Masalah Sosial,Reformasi Sosial
Depositing User: OJS LPPM UNJ .
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2025 03:24
Last Modified: 05 Mar 2025 03:24
URI: http://repository.unj.ac.id/id/eprint/54687

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