Relevansi dan Urgensi Kecerdasan Spritual, Intelektual dan Emosional dalam Perspektif Islam

Amaliyah, Amaliyah (2018) Relevansi dan Urgensi Kecerdasan Spritual, Intelektual dan Emosional dalam Perspektif Islam. Jurnal Online Studi Al-Qur'an, 14 (2). pp. 151-160. ISSN 0216-1648

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The formation of a man who is faithful and devoted to God becomes the first and main goal of the implementation of education. The process of forming a faithful and pious human requires several components including input, process and product components. The input components are students' including intelligence, motivation, interests and the others. This present Islamic educational institutions and public education institutions, more dominant in intellectual intelligence than on emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. The process of human formation that believes and cautiously requires spiritual, intellectual and emotional intelligence simultaneously because these three bits of intelligence have interconnected functions and goals. The purpose of this research is to know the differences and similarities between spiritual, intellectual and emotional intelligence, and the relationship between spiritual, intellectual and emotional intelligence in the Islamic perspective. The research findings are the source of intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence is the spiritual intelligence source of spiritual intelligence is Tauhid, The source of intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence are logical and phenomenal data. The human structure at the level of the body and soul is called intellectual and emotional intelligence. The human structure at the level of the Spirit/Ruh is called spiritual intelligence

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Filsafat, Psikologi & Agama > Islam (Ajaran Islam dan pendidikan Islam)
Depositing User: OJS LPPM UNJ .
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2025 05:00
Last Modified: 05 Mar 2025 05:00

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