The Role of Dee Lestari's Novel " Rapijali: Seeking, Becoming, Returning" in Increasing Reading Skills in the Digital Era

Cahyaning, Choiril Indah and Riady, Yasir (2024) The Role of Dee Lestari's Novel " Rapijali: Seeking, Becoming, Returning" in Increasing Reading Skills in the Digital Era. STAIRS: English Language Education Journal, 5 (2). pp. 106-113. ISSN 2807-8594

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In the era of rapid technological development, maintaining interest in reading traditional literary works such as novels has become increasingly challenging. Despite the abundance of research on reading habits, studies examining how contemporary novels can sustain and enhance reading interest in the digital era remain limited. This research aims to explore the role of novels in fostering reading interest in the digital era, focusing on how literary elements can engage modern readers. This study employs a literature review method with a pragmatic approach, which examines literary works as tools for conveying specific messages or intentions to readers. The object of this research is Rapijali: Seeking, Becoming, Returning by Dee Lestari, a novel with the potential to stimulate reading interest across various age groups. Data were collected through intensive reading and note-taking techniques, followed by qualitative analysis to identify key themes and messages. The findings reveal that Rapijali conveys moral values such as hard work, mutual respect, and humility, subtly influencing readers' perspectives. Additionally, the novel’s accessible language, engaging storyline, and serialized format contribute to its appeal, making it an effective medium for promoting reading habits in the digital age. These results imply that well-crafted literary works can still play a significant role in cultivating a culture of reading, even amid technological distractions.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Bahasa Indonesia
Depositing User: OJS LPPM UNJ .
Date Deposited: 10 Mar 2025 05:11
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2025 05:11

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