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ABSTRAK Dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi dan perubahan pergeseran pola belajar anak zaman milenia tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa orang tua dan guru harus dapat memfasilitasi mereka mendapatkan pola belajar yang edukatif dan menyenangkan salah satunya melalui game digital pendidikan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan mereka dan menaikkan performa perkembangan dan pertumbuhan kognitif dan literasi anak usia dini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan media pembelajarn game calistung digital untuk meningkatkan keterampilan kognitif dan literasi anak usia dini. Media pembelajaran sangat penting karena digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan atau informasi berupa benda yang dimanipulasi, dilihat, didengar, dibaca beserta instrumen yang dipergunakan dengan baik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode R&D dalam Borg and Gall yang mengadopsi model Dick and Carey dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan dari model Dick and Carey. Sedangkan untuk pengembangan media pembelajaran game calistung digital dengan pengembangan multimedia berbasis software life cycle model dari Parekh. Hasil penelitian untuk uji kelayakan ahli materi maka media pembelajaran game calistung digital terkategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan uji kelayakan oleh desain pembelajaran maka media pembelajaran game calistung digital terkategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan ahli media pembelajaran maka game calistung digital terkategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan ahli multimedia maka game calistung digital terkategori baik. Uji kelayakan siswa untuk media pembelajaran game calistung digital yang dikembangkan berdasarkan hasil evaluasi formatif pedoman angket evaluasi multimedia interaktif one by one learner pada aspek a) kesederhanaan, b) komunikatif, c) belajar mandiri, d) belajar setahap demi setahap, e) Unity multimedia, f) Kontinuitas. Jumlah rata-rata responden siswa pertama kategori sangat baik, responden siswa kedua dengan kategori baik, dan responden siswa ketiga dengan kategori baik. Berdasarkan uji small group media pembelajaran game calistung jumlah rata-rata responden siswa pertama kategori sangat baik, responden siswa kedua dengan kategori baik, dan responden siswa ketiga dengan kategori baik, responden siswa keempat dengan kategori baik, responden siswa kelima dengan kategori baik, responden siswa keenam dengan kategori baik. Berdasarkan uji field trial atau uji coba lapangan yang diujicobakan ke 10 siswa kelompok B, RA Melati di kecamatan Ciputat Timur kota Tanggerang Selatan bahwa media pembelajaran GCD untuk nilai rata-rata lembar observasi keterampilan kognitif pretest sebesar 3, 40 dan nilai rata-rata lembar observasi keterampilan kognitif postest sebesar 3, 81, serta nilai rata-rata kenaikan skor pretest dan skor postest keterampilan kognitif sebesar 0, 41. Nilai rata-rata lembar observasi keterampilan literasi pretest sebesar 2, 95 dan nilai rata-rata lembar observasi keterampilan kognitif postest sebesar 3, 81 serta nilai rata-rata kenaikan skor pretest dan skor postest keterampilan kognitif sebesar 0, 86. Uji kelayakan guru pada aspek kelayakan multimedia interaktif pada evaluasi formatif uji kelayakan one to one untuk guru pertama sebesar 3, 02 dengan kategori baik dan guru kedua 3, 17 dengan kategori baik. Begitu juga pada uji kelayakan small group untuk guru pertama sebesar 3, 48 dengan kategori sangat baik dan guru kedua sebesar 3, 43 dengan kategori sangat baik. Uji efektifitas untuk melihat perbedaan keterampilan kognitif antara yang diberi media game calistung digital dan yang diberi media kartu, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05, didapat thitung = 2,31 dan ttabel = 1,69. Dengan demikian thitung > ttabel, sehingga H0 ditolak, Dengan perkataan lain bahwa media game calistung (Ῡ1 = 130,26; S = 5,02) lebih baik daripada media kartu (Ῡ2 = 123,35; S = 6,73). Perbedaan literasi antara yang diberi media game calistung digital dan yang diberi media kartu, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05, didapat thitung = 2,12 dan ttabel = 1,69. Dengan demikian thitung > ttabel, sehingga H0 ditolak. Dengan perkataan lain bahwa media game calistung (Ῡ1 = 116,84; S = 2,95) lebih baik daripada media kartu (Ῡ2 = 112,55; S = 3,68). Kesimpulan penelitian berdasarkan hasil pengembangan media pembelajaran game calistung digital, kelayakan media pembelajaran, efektifitas media pembelajaran maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran game calistung digital kategori baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari uji kelayakan oleh ahli materi, ahli desain pembelajaran, ahli multimedia, ahli media pembelajaran, ahli instrument penelitian dan uji evaluasi formatif pada one to one by learner serta uji small group dan uji field trial serta uji efektifitas. Kata kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Game Calistung Digital, Keterampilan Kognitif, Literasi Anak Usia Dini ABSTRACT With the development of technology and changes in the shifting learning patterns of children in the millennia, it cannot be denied that parents and teachers must be able to facilitate them to get educational and fun learning patterns, one of which is through educational digital games to develop their skills and increase the performance of cognitive and literacy development and growth. early childhood. The purpose of this study was to develop a media for learning digital calistung games to improve cognitive skills and early childhood literacy. Learning media is very important because it is used to convey messages or information in the form of objects that are manipulated, seen, heard, read along with instruments that are used properly in learning activities. The research method uses the R&D method in Borg and Gall which adopts the Dick and Carey model with development steps from the Dick and Carey model. As for the development of digital calistung game learning media with the development of multimedia-based life cycle model software from Parekh. The results of the research for the feasibility test of material experts, the calistung digital game learning media was categorized as very good. Based on the feasibility test by the learning design, the calistung digital game learning media is categorized as very good. Based on learning media experts, the categorized digital calistung game is very good. Based on multimedia experts, the digital calistung game is categorized as good. Student feasibility tests for learning media for the digital calistung game developed based on the results of formative evaluation of one by one learner interactive multimedia evaluation questionnaire guidelines on aspects a) simplicity, b) communicative, c) independent learning, d) learning step by step, e) Unity multimedia , f) Continuity. The average number of first student respondents is in very good category, second student respondent is in good category, and third student respondent is in good category. Based on the small group test of learning media game Calistung, the average number of first student respondents was very good category, second student respondents were in good categories, and third student respondents were in good categories, fourth student respondents were in good categories, fifth student respondents were in good categories, student respondents sixth with good category. Based on field trials or field trials that were tried out to 10 students of group B, RA Melati in East Ciputat sub-district, South Tangerang city, the GCD learning media for the average value of the pretest cognitive skills observation sheet was 3.40 and the average value of the observation sheet Post-test cognitive skills of 3.81, and the average value of the increase in the pretest score and posttest score of cognitive skills is 0.41.The average value of the observation sheet for pretest literacy skills is 2.95 and the average value of the observation sheet for posttest cognitive skills is 3, 81 and the average value of the increase in the pretest score and posttest score of cognitive skills is 0.86. The feasibility test of the teacher on the feasibility aspect of interactive multimedia on the formative evaluation of the one to one feasibility test for the first teacher is 3, 02 in the good category and the second teacher 3, 17 in good category. Likewise, the small group feasibility test for the first teacher was 3.48 in the very good category and the second teacher was 3.43 in the very good category. Effectiveness test to see differences in cognitive skills between those who were given digital calistung game media and those who were given card media, based on the results of calculations at a significant level α = 0.05, obtained tcount = 2.31 and ttable = 1.69. Thus tcount> ttable, so H0 is rejected. In other words, Calistung game media (Ῡ1 = 130.26; S = 5.02) is better than card media (Ῡ2 = 123.35; S = 6.73). The difference in literacy between those given the calistung digital game media and those given the card media, based on the calculation results at the significant level α = 0.05, it was found that tcount = 2.12 and ttable = 1.69. Thus tcount> ttable, so that H0 is rejected. In other words, Calistung game media (Ῡ1 = 116.84; S = 2.95) is better than card media (Ῡ2 = 112.55; S = 3.68). The conclusion of the research is based on the results of the development of the digital calistung game learning media, the feasibility of the learning media, the effectiveness of the learning media, it can be concluded that the calistung digital game learning media is in good category. This can be seen from the feasibility test by material experts, learning design experts, multimedia experts, instructional media experts, research instrument experts and formative evaluation tests on one to one by learner as well as small group tests and field trials and effectiveness tests. Keywords: Learning Media, Digital Calistung Game, Cognitive Skills, Early Childhood Literacy
Item Type: | Thesis (Doktor) |
Additional Information: | 1. Prof. Dr. Yufiarti 2. Dr. Ir. Rusmono |
Subjects: | Pendidikan > Pendidikan Dasar Pendidikan > Media Pembelajaran |
Divisions: | PASCASARJANA > S3 Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini |
Depositing User: | Users 5121 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 01 Sep 2020 20:06 |
Last Modified: | 06 Oct 2022 02:23 |
URI: | http://repository.unj.ac.id/id/eprint/9318 |
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