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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar berupa modul teks biografi berbasis augmented reality pada siswa SMK Kelas X. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development, yakni gabungan metode penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Model pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Populasi penelitian ini merupakan siswa kelas X AKL SMK Negeri 40 Jakarta sejumlah 30 siswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan angket analisis kebutuhan. Analisis data yang dilakukan dengan analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa telah berhasil dikembangkan bahan ajar berupa modul teks biografi berbasis augmented reality pada siswa SMK Kelas X yang dapat diakses melalui gawai atau laptop, modul ini juga dilengkapi dengan aplikasi yang dapat diunduh pengguna ponsel pintar berbasis Android. Kualitas bahan ajar berupa modul teks biografi berbasis augmented reality pada siswa SMK Kelas X yang telah dikembangkan mendapatkan penilaian berkategori sangat baik dari validator, yaitu 95,46% dengan masing-masing penilaian ahli materi 98,75%, ahli media 97,33%, dan guru Bahasa Indonesia 91,19%. Selain itu, siswa memberikan penilaian dan respons terhadap bahan ajar berupa modul teks biografi berbasis augmented reality pada saat uji coba sebesar 90,31%. Bahan ajar berupa modul teks biografi berbasis augmented reality pada siswa SMK Kelas X memiliki implikasi dalam pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan ajar teks biografi di kelas x, khususnya pada Kompetensi Dasar 3.14, yaitu menilai hal yang dapat diteladani dari teks biografi dan Kompetensi Dasar 4.14, yaitu mengungkapkan kembali hal-hal yang dapat diteladani dari tokoh yang terdapat dalam teks biografi yang dibaca secara tertulis. Kata Kunci: Augmented Reality, bahan ajar, teks biografi ********* This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of an augmented reality-based biographical text module for class X SMK students. This study use the Research and Development method, which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The development model used is ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The population of this research is the students of class X AKL SMK Negeri 40 Jakarta with a total of 30 students. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and needs analysis questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out by quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results showed that teaching materials have been successfully developed in the form of an augmented reality-based biographical text module for Class X Vocational High School students that can be accessed via a smartphone or laptop, this module is also equipped with an application that can be downloaded by Android-based smartphone users. The quality of teaching materials in the form of augmented reality-based biographical text modules for Class X Vocational High School students that have been developed received a very good category assessment from the validator, namely 95.46% with each material expert rating 98.75%, media expert 97.33%, and Indonesian language teachers 91.19%. In addition, students gave an assessment and response to teaching materials in the form of an augmented reality-based biographical text module at the time of the trial by 90.31%. Teaching materials in the form of augmented reality-based biographical text modules for Class X Vocational High School students have implications in learning that can be used as teaching materials for biographical texts in class X, especially in Basic Competence 3.14, namely assessing exemplary things from biographical texts and Basic Competencies 4.14, namely to re-express things that can be imitated from the characters contained in biographical texts that are read in writing. Keywords: Augmented Reality, teaching materials, biographical text
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Additional Information: | 1). N. Lia Marliana, S.Pd. M.Phil. (Ling.) ; 2). Dr. Fathiaty Murtadho, M.Pd. |
Subjects: | Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Bahasa Indonesia |
Divisions: | FBS > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia |
Depositing User: | Users 12451 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 07 Sep 2021 09:07 |
Last Modified: | 20 May 2022 05:31 |
URI: | |
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