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ABSTRAK Asmara Aulia Chaniago. 2021. Refleksi Sensasi Emosional di Barbershop dalam Karya Seni Lukis. Laporan Skripsi Penciptaan Karya Seni Rupa. Prodi Pendidikan Seni Rupa. Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni. Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Barbershop merupakan tempat cukup familiar dikalangan pria khususnya hidup disekitar perkotaan. Bidang usaha jasa mengedepankan pelayanan untuk kepuasan pelanggannya, yaitu perupa, memiliki pengalaman maupun kesan tersendiri dengan tempat ini. Penciptaan karya dengan judul “Refleksi Sensasi Emosional di Barbershop dalam Karya Seni Lukis” menyajikan karya lukis berisi pengalaman emosional perupa dapatkan selama menjadi konsumen di usaha jasa potong rambut “Barbershop”. Penciptaan karya ini menggunakan prinsip estetika kontemporer berdasarkan konsep penciptaan dengan pengalaman menggunakan metode artistic research. Adapun sumber insprasi dan data yang digunakan berasal dari pengalaman internal perupa dan fenomena sekitar serta referensi-referensi luar yang terkait dengan landasan teori refleksi, sensasi, emosi, dan penciptaan karya seni lukis. Media yang digunakan yaitu cat akrilik dan minyak pada kanvas. Dengan menggunakan teknik plakat dan transparan. Penciptaan karya ini untuk menuangkan berbagai pengalaman sensasi emosional yang dirasakan khususnya perupa sebagai pelanggan barbershop saat berada di barbershop. Perupa ingin menunjukkan bahwa realitas internal yang dialami secara langsung dapat menjadi sebuah karya lukis. Perasaan nyaman, percaya diri, dan santai yang dirasakan sering kali dianggap tak penting setelah kita keluar dari barbershop, dalam karya lukis berdasarkan literature. Pada karya final 1 ini perupa mengambangkan dari 3 karya eksplorasi sebelumnya, sedangkan karya final 2 merupakan pengembangan dari karya terpilih sebelumnya. Kata kunci: refleksi, sensasi, emosi, artistic research, seni lukis. ABSTRACT Asmara Aulia Chaniago. 2021. Reflection of Emotional Sensation in Barbershop in Painting Artwork. Thesis Report on the Creation of Fine Arts. Fine Arts Education Study Program. Faculty of Language and Art. State University of Jakarta. Barbershop is a place that is quite familiar among men, especially living around urban areas. The service business sector prioritizes service for customer satisfaction, namely artists, who have their own experiences and impressions with this place. The creation of the work with the title "Reflection of Emotional Sensation at the Barbershop in Painting Works" presents a painting containing the emotional experiences the artist gets while being a consumer in the "Barbershop" hairdressing service business. The creation of this work uses contemporary aesthetic principles based on the concept of creation with experience using artistic research methods. The sources of inspiration and data used are from the artist's internal experience and surrounding phenomena as well as external references related to the theoretical basis of reflection, sensation, emotion, and the creation of painting works. The media used are acrylic paint and oil on canvas. By using a plaque and transparent technique. The creation of this work is to convey various experiences of emotional sensations that are felt especially by artists as barbershop customers while at the barbershop. The artist wants to show that the internal reality experienced directly can become a painting. The feeling of comfort, confidence, and relaxation that is felt is often considered unimportant after we leave the barbershop, in painting based on literature. In this final work 1, the artist developed from the previous 3 exploration works, while the final work 2 is the development of the previously selected works. Keywords: reflection, sensation, emotion, artistic research, fine arts.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: 1). Drs. Panji Kurnia, M.Ds. 2). Dr. Indro Moerdisuroso, M.Sn.
Subjects: Kesenian > Seni Rupa, Fotografi
Kesenian > Seni Lukis
Kesenian > Seni (umum)
Divisions: FBS > S1 Pendidikan Seni Rupa
Depositing User: Users 14466 not found.
Date Deposited: 29 Mar 2022 02:09
Last Modified: 29 Mar 2022 02:09

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