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Tujuan penelitian pengembangan model pembelajaran mata kuliah perpajakan berbasis kompetensi untuk menghasilkan produk model pembelajaran baru yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa saat ini. Pengembangan model pembelajaran mata kuliah perpajakan berbasis kompetensi dikembangkan oleh peneliti dengan mengombinasikan model ADDIE (tahap pengembangan) dan model Dick and Carey (tahap evaluasi formatif). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah research and development (R&D) dengan pendekatan mixed method research. Hasil penelitian dalam pengembangan model pembelajaran, yaitu: (1) produk model pembelajaran mata kuliah perpajakan berbasis kompetensi; (2) modul perpajakan. Hasil pengembangan model pembelajaran dilakukan pada tahap analisis kebutuhan dengan mengumpulkan, menganalisis dan menafsirkan data yang diperoleh dari survey pendalaman melalui metode wawancara, kuisioner dan studi dokumen. Hasil kelayakan model setelah dilakukan uji validasi dan dianalisis oleh para ahli (ahli materi dengan skor rata-rata 3.04, ahli media dengan skor rata-rata 2.64 dan ahli desain dengan skor rata-rata 2.55), maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran layak digunakan. Hasil uji efektivitas model pembelajaran dengan uji coba lapangan, maka nilai Sig. (2-tailed): Nilai probabilitas p-value uji t paired: Hasil = 0,000, artinya ada perbedaan antara sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Nilai p-value < 0,05 (95 % dengan tingkat kepercayaan) terdapat nilai Mean -9.6857 bernilai negatif, artinya terjadi kecenderungan kenaikan skor post-test sesudah dilakukan perlakuan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan kompetensi mahasiswa pada mata kuliah perpajakan di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Banten. ******** The research objective is to develop a competency-based learning model for taxation courses to produce new learning model products that are in line with the current needs of students. The researcher developed the competency-based learning model for taxation courses by combining the ADDIE model (development stage) and the Dick and Carey model (formative evaluation stage). The research method used is research and development (R&D) with a mixed method research approach. The results of the research in the development of learning models, namely: (1) competency-based learning model products for tax subjects; (2) tax modules. The results of the development of the learning model are carried out at the needs analysis stage by collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data obtained from the in-depth survey through interviews, questionnaires and document studies. The results of the model's feasibility after being validated and analyzed by experts (material experts with an average score of 3.04, media experts with an average score of 2.64 and design experts with an average score of 2.55), it can be concluded that the learning model is feasible to use. The results of the learning model effectiveness test with field trials, the value of Sig. (2-tailed): P-value paired t-test probability value: Result = 0.000, meaning that there is a difference between before and after treatment. P-value <0.05 (95% with confidence level) there is a Mean value of -9.6857 which is negative, meaning that there is a tendency to increase post-test scores after treatment, it can be concluded that effective learning models are used to improve student learning outcomes and competencies in the taxation course at the Banten College of Administrative Sciences.

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Additional Information: 1). Prof. Dr. Suyitno Muslim, M.Pd. ; 2). Dr. Ir. Rusmono, M.Pd
Subjects: Pendidikan > Teori, Penelitian Pendidikan
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S3 Teknologi Pendidikan
Depositing User: Users 15872 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2022 05:50
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2022 05:50

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