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ABSTRAK Braindance Berbasis Tari Tradisional dalam konteks pendidikan jasmani dan tari bagi anak-anak dapat menjadi inovasi yang menjanjikan dalam pengenalan budaya lokal dan merangsang fungsi eksekutif anak. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis kebutuhan, proses pengembangan, kelayakan, dan keefektifan buku panduan program Braindance Berbasis Tari Tradisional (BBTT) untuk meningkatkan keterampilan fungsi eksekutif anak. Melalui pendekatan desain metode penelitian campuran, penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan model Dick and Carey. Hasil analisis kebutuhan, uji ahli, uji panel, dan proses pengembangan menunjukkan bahwa buku pedoman program BBTT layak digunakan sebagai pedoman bagi guru dan orang tua serta efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan fungsi eksekutif anak usia 5- 6 tahun. Keefektifan dan kelayakan dibuktikan melalui percobaan pada siswa TK Jakarta Selatan dan Banten. Hasil data kuantitatif menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara hasil pretest dan posttest, yang berarti terdapat pengaruh intervensi program BBTT terhadap keterampilan fungsi eksekutif anak, serta memperlihatkan hubungan antara keterampilan menari dan fungsi eksekutif cukup besar atau cukup kuat. Temuan kualitatif menunjukkan lima kategori yang meliputi lima aspek keterampilan fungsi eksekutif anak yaitu (1) penguatan positif merupakan faktor terkuat dalam penghambatan perkembangan, (2) pengenalan musik daerah dan gerak tari yang sesuai dengan budaya setempat membuat anak lebih semangat dan senang, (3) menari bersama musik sebagai pendukung perkembangan kelenturan mental dan perkembangan pemikiran, (4) perkembangan memori kerja anak penting melalui berbagai strategi terkini, (5) dan aktivitas yang terstruktur namun menyenangkan memfasilitasi peningkatan kemampuan perencanaan dan organisasi. Kata Kunci: anak usia dini, braindance, tari tradisional, fungsi eksekutif ABSTRACT Braindance Based on Traditional Dance (BBTD) in the context of physical education for children can be a promising innovation in introducing local culture and stimulating executive function. This research and development aim to determine the needs analysis, development process, feasibility, and effectiveness of the BBTD program guidebook for improving children's executive function skills. Through a mixed research methods design approach, this research and development use the Dick and Carey model. The results of the needs analysis, expert tests, panel tests, and the development process have shown that the BBTD program guidebook is appropriate to be used as a guide for teachers and parents and is effectively used to improve the executive function of children aged 5-6 years. The effectiveness and feasibility were proven through experiments on South Jakarta and Banten kindergarten students. The results of the quantitative data show a difference between the results of the pretest and post-test, indicating an effect of the BBTD intervention on children's executive function skills and the relationship between dancing skills and executive function is quite large or strong enough. Qualitative findings show the category output results covering the five aspects of children's executive function skills, namely (1) Positive reinforcement is the strongest factor in inhibition development,(2) familiar local music and dance movements that are in line with local culture make children more enthusiastic and happy,(3) dancing with music as a support for the development of mental flexibility and the development of thinking, (4) the development of a child's working memory is important through the latest different strategies,(5)and activities that are structured but fun facilitate the improvement of planning and organizational abilities. Keywords: Early childhood, Braindance, Traditional Dance, Executive Function

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Additional Information: 1). Prof.dr. Fasli Jalal, Ph.D. 2). Prof. Dr. Elindra Yetti, M.Pd.
Subjects: Pendidikan > Pendidikan > Pendidikan Anak
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S3 Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Depositing User: Users 17436 not found.
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2023 22:20
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2023 22:20

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