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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar Bahasa Indonesia berbasis Learning and Innovation Skills (LIS) yang terdiri atas Critical thinking & problem solving, Communication, Collaboration, dan Creativity & Innovations (4Cs), yang digabungkan dengan 4 keterampilan bahasa yang terdiri atas keterampilan menyimak, berbicara, membaca dan menulis, dengan tujuan mahasiswa tidak hanya sukses dalam kelas saja, tetapi juga sukses dalam karier mereka setelah lulus dari perkulihan nanti. Sehingga diformulasikan menjadi JR21CS= F (TCS+LIS), yang bermakna job readiness with 21st century skills, memiliki fungsi apabila traditional core subject skills ditambah learning and innovation skills. Hal ini sejalan dengan analisis kebutuhan yang dilakukan di Kalbis Institute yang memiliki slogan “Transforming Hearts and Minds", berharap bahwa lulusan dari Kalbis Institute tidak hanya memiliki kemampuan akademik yang baik tetapi juga diterima di dunia industri dan dunia usaha, artinya ditemukan adanya kesenjangan antara harapan dan fakta. Secara fakta lapangan di Kalbis Institute ditemukan kesenjangan keterampilan yang dihasilkan dari luaran mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia, serta belum sesuainya bahan ajar dengan tuntutan kurikulum mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia di perguruan tinggi pada target sesuai dengan pengembangan strata 1 (sarjana) setara dengan KKNI level 6. Juga merujuk kepada panduan penyusunan kurikulum pendidikan tinggi di era industri 4.0 bahwa Bahasa Indonesia sebagai MKWU harus memiliki capaian pembelajaran yaitu mahasiswa memiliki keterampilan umum dan khusus. Penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development (R&-D), dengan menggunakan pengembangan model bahasa Tomlinson, serta pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis tugas dari Hutichinson & Waters, dan bahan ajar khusus dari Barnard & Zemach dan menghasilkan model bahan ajar dengan mnemonik nama peneliti yaitu model ATM (A= Analisis kebutuhan, T= Turunkan ke dalam Tugas, M= Masukan unsur keterampilan). Kemudian, untuk hasil uji kelayakan pada kelompok kecil: presepsi dosen mendapatkan rerata 3,92 sehingga dikategorikan dibutuhkan, dan persepsi mahasiswa mendapatkan rerata 70,62% dikategorikan dibutuhkan. Selanjutnya, bahan ajar direvisi dan kembali pada kelompok besar: dan mendapatkan hasil uji kelayakan untuk persepsi dosen rerata 4.47 sehingga dikategorikan sangat dibutuhkan dan persepsi mahasiswa mendapatkan hasil rerata 96,95% dikategorikan sangat dibutuhkan. Untuk telaah pakar learning and innovation skills, mendapatkan rerata 94,01% dikategorikan sangat layak, pakar materi bahasa, mendapatkan hasil rerata 92% sangat layak, dan pakar linguistik, mendapatkan hasil rerata 94% sangat layak. Pada uji efektivitas dengan menggunakan rumus N-Gain pada kelas kecil didapatkan hasil rerata 62,43% dikategorikan cukup efektif, dan kelompok besar dengan hasil rerata 98% dikategorikan sangat efektif. Dengan demikian, model bahan ajar Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Leaning and Innovation Skills sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan Kalbis Institute. This research aims to develop Indonesian language teaching materials based on Learning and Innovation Skills (LIS) consisting of Critical thinking & problem solving, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity & Innovations (4Cs), combined with 4 language skills consisting of listening skills, speaking, reading and writing, with the goal that students are not only successful in class, but also successful in their careers after graduating from college. So it is formulated as JR21CS= F (TCS+LIS), which means job readiness with 21st century skills, has a function if traditional core subject skills are added to learning and innovation skills. This is in line with the needs analysis conducted at the Kalbis Institute which has the slogan "Transforming Hearts and Minds", hoping that graduates from the Kalbis Institute will not only have good academic abilities but also be accepted in the industrial world and the business world, meaning that there is a gap between expectations And the facts. In fact, in the field at the Kalbis Institute, it was found that expertise resulted from the outcome of the Indonesian language course, as well as the incompatibility of the teaching materials with the mandatory Indonesian language course curriculum in tertiary institutions, on the target according to the development of strata 1 (undergraduate) equivalent to the KKNI 6 level. Also referring to the guidelines for preparing higher education curricula in the industrial era 4.0 that Indonesian as general course must have learning outcomes, namely students have general and specific skills. The research uses Research and Development (R&-D), and using the development model of language research from Tomlinson, then a task-based development model from Hutichinson & Waters, and research development models language for specific purposes from Barnard & Zemach. Produces a teaching material model with the mnemonic name of the researcher, namely the ATM model A= Analysis of needs, T= Task, M= Must combine 4Cs skills and 4 language skills. Then, for the results of the due diligence on small groups: lecturer perceptions get an average of 3.92 so it is categorized as needed, and student perceptions get an average of 70.62% which is categorized as needed. Furthermore, the teaching materials were revised and returned to the large group: and obtained the results of the due diligence for the lecturer's perception of an average of 4.47 so that it was categorized as very needed and student perceptions obtained an average result of 96.95% which was categorized as very needed. For the review of learning and innovation skills experts, getting an average of 94.01% is categorized as very feasible, language material experts, getting an average result of 92% is very feasible, and linguistics expert, getting an average result of 94% is very feasible. In the effectiveness test using the N-Gain formula in small classes, an average result of 62.43% was categorized as quite effective, and the large group with an average result of 98% was categorized as very effective. Thus, the model of teaching materials for Indonesian Language Based on Leaning and Innovation Skills is in accordance with the needs of the Kalbis Institute.

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Additional Information: 1). Prof. Dr. Yumna Rasyid, M.Pd 2). Prof. Dr. Zuriati M.Pd.
Subjects: Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Linguistik
Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Sistem Penulisan dan Ejaan
Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Bahasa Indonesia
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S3 Linguistik Terapan
Depositing User: Users 19942 not found.
Date Deposited: 11 Sep 2023 01:39
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2024 00:03

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