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Olahraga adalah suatu kegiatan atau aktivitas yang dapat menyehatkan jasmani dan rohani manusia. Untuk sebagian kalangan, aktivitas olahraga mungkin hanya suatu sarana rekreasi semata ataupun suatu hobi yang ditekuni bersama pasangan, keluarga ataupun teman-teman. Namun untuk sebagian kalangan lainnya, berolahraga memiliki makna yang lebih mendalam dan bahkan cukup serius hingga dipilih menjadi suatu profesi yang akan dijalani di dalam hidup seseorang, yaitu menjadi seorang atlet. “Secara umum metode penelitian diartikan sebagai cara ilmiah untuk mendapatkan data dengan tujuan dan kegunaan tertentu (Sugiyono, 2015)”. Metode dan desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskritif kualitati. Permasalahan yang dibahas bertujuan untuk dapat menggambarkan atau menguraikan tentang keadaan atau fenomena yang ada atau proses penelitian untuk memahami masalah manusia/masalah sosial, berdasarkan pada tatanan yang kompleks, gambaran yang holistic, disusun dengan kata- kata, melaporkan pandangan detail para informan dan dilaksanakan pada latar alamiah atau natural. Stufflebeam (2014) “The CIPP evaluation model is a comprehensive framework for conducting formative and summative evaluations of programs. Basically, the model provides direction for assessing context, inputs, process and products.” Yang artinya model evaluasi CIPP adalah kerangka komprehensif untuk melakukan evaluasi formatif dan sumatif program. Pada dasarnya, model memberikan arahan untuk menilai konteks, input, proses dan produk. Desain evaluasi program yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model ini dipilih karena bersifat komprehensif. Desain evaluasi program merupakan suatu rencana yang menunjukan evaluasi yang dilakukan, dan dari siapa informasi atau data akan dikumpulkan, desain ini dibuat untuk meyakinkan bahwa evaluasi akan dilakukan menurut organisasi yang teratur dan menurut aturan evaluasi yang baik. Berikut desain evaluasi Program Pengelolaan Atlet Pegawai Pegawai Bank Indonesia.Evaluasi context menggambarkan dan merinci kebutuhan lingkungan yaitu kejelasan tentang kebijakan pelaksanaan Program Pengelolaan Atlet Pegawai Bank Indonesia termasuk surat keputusan, persetujuan pelaksanaan Program Pengelolaan Atlet Bank Indonesia, dan tujuan Program Pengelolaan Atlet Bank Indonesia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka sub fokus dari evaluasi context meliputi dua hal yaitu: 1) SK dan Visi Misi, 2) Tujuan.1. Evaluasi Context Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi context secara keseluruhan tentang SK, Visi Misi dan Tujuan Program Pengelolaan Atlet Pegawai Bank Indonesia terdapat kesesuaian pelaksanaan Program Pengelolaan Atlet Pegawai Bank Indonesia visi misi yang hendak dicapai. 2. Evaluasi Input Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi input secara keseluruhan yang meliputi lima hal yaitu: (1) Sistem perekrutan atlet, (2) Sistem perekrutan pelatih, (3) Sarana dan Prasarana, (4) Pembiayaan (5) Prosedur Program Pengelolaan Atlet Pegawai Bank Indonesia dikategorikan sudah baik. 3. Evaluasi Process Berdasarkan evaluasi process sub proses meliputi dua hal yaitu: (1) Proses pelaksanaan Program Pengelolaan Atlet Pegawai Bank Indonesia, (2) Peran tim monitoring dan evaluasi Program Pengelolaan Atlet Pegawai Bank Indonesia sudah baik. Namun ada sedikit perhatian lebih pada bagian penyediaan pelatih di kondisi tertentu. 4. Evaluasi Product Keberhasilan evaluasi product pada sub indikator prestasi pegawai atlet terdapat kinerja yang baik ketika melaksanakan pekerjaan operasional kantor dan terdapat prestasi olahraga tingkat nasional dan internasional yang diraih oleh pegawai atlet Bank Indonesia, bahkan ada beberapa pegawai atlet yang melampaui target prestasi dari yang direncanakan Abstract Sport is an activity or activities that can make people physically and spiritually healthy. For some groups, sports activities may only be a means of recreation or a hobby that is pursued with a partner, family or friends. However, for some other groups, sport has a deeper meaning and is even serious enough to be chosen as a profession that will be pursued in one's life, namely becoming an athlete. "In general, research methods are defined as scientific ways to obtain data with specific purposes and uses (Sugiyono, 2015)". The research method and design used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The problems discussed aim to be able to describe or explain existing conditions or phenomena or the research process to understand human problems/social problems, based on a complex order, holistic picture, arranged in words, reporting detailed views of the informants and carried out on natural or natural setting. Stufflebeam (2014) “The CIPP evaluation model is a comprehensive framework for conducting formative and summative evaluations of programs. Basically, the model provides direction for assessing context, inputs, processes and products.” This means that the CIPP evaluation model is a comprehensive framework for conducting formative and summative program evaluations. Basically, the model provides guidance for assessing context, input, process and product. The program evaluation design used in this research uses the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) research model. This model was chosen because it is comprehensive. The program evaluation design is a plan that shows the evaluation being carried out, and from whom the information or data will be collected. This design is created to ensure that the evaluation will be carried out according to an orderly organization and according to good evaluation rules. The following is the evaluation design for the Bank Indonesia Employee Athlete Management Program. The context evaluation describes and details environmental needs, namely clarity regarding implementation policies for the Bank Indonesia Employee Athlete Management Program including decision letters, approval for the implementation of the Bank Indonesia Athlete Management Program, and the objectives of the Bank Indonesia Athlete Management Program. Based on this, the sub-focus of context evaluation includes two things, namely: 1) SK and Vision and Mission, 2) Objectives.1. Context Evaluation Based on the results of the overall context evaluation regarding the Decree, Vision and Mission and Objectives of the Bank Indonesia Employee Athlete Management Program, there is suitability for the implementation of the Bank Indonesia Employee Athlete Management Program's vision and mission to be achieved. 2. Input Evaluation Based on the results of the overall input evaluation which includes five things, namely: (1) Athlete recruitment system, (2) Coach recruitment system, (3) Facilities and Infrastructure, (4) Financing (5) Bank Employee Athlete Management Program Procedures Indonesia is categorized as good. 3. Process Evaluation Based on the process evaluation, the sub-process includes two things, namely: (1) The process of implementing the Bank Indonesia Employee Athlete Management Program, (2) The role of the monitoring and evaluation team for the Bank Indonesia Employee Athlete Management Program is good. However, there is a little more attention to the provision of trainers in certain conditions. 4. Product Evaluation The success of the product evaluation in the athlete employee achievement sub-indicator shows good performance when carrying out office operational work and there are national and international sports achievements achieved by Bank Indonesia athlete employees, there are even some athlete employees who exceed their planned achievement targets.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Additional Information: | 1). Dr. Wahyuningtyas Puspitorini, S.Pd, M.Kes. AIFO 2). Dr. Iwan Hermawan, M.Pd |
Subjects: | Pendidikan > Pendidikan Dasar Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > Pendidikan Olah Raga |
Divisions: | PASCASARJANA > S2 Pendidikan Jasmani |
Depositing User: | Users 20704 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 14 Sep 2023 04:58 |
Last Modified: | 14 Sep 2023 04:58 |
URI: | |
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