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Alat tes ini dapat membantu pelatih dan pemain dalam mengukur tingkat akurasi, kecepatan, dan kekuatan passing mereka. Dengan adanya alat tes ini, pemain dapat melacak perkembangan keterampilan passing mereka dari waktu ke waktu, sehingga memungkinkan untuk melakukan penyesuaian latihan yang diperlukan guna meningkatkan performa permainan mereka.Tujuan alat untuk mengetahui kualitas ketepatan passing pemain, dengan isyarat lampu menyala, timer yang berjalan mundur dari 90 detik dan score juga buzzer menyala otomatis bila target tersentuh bola dan bola dapat memantul kembali ke pemain.Diperoleh rerata pre-test 11,87 dan post-test 17,00 dengan standar devisiasinya 1,685. Pada tabel uji-t dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05 memiliki Sig. (2-tailed) 0,000. Hasil p-value Sig. (2-tailed) 0,05, yang artinya Alat Tes Passing Sepakbola yang diberikan dapat meningkatkan kualitas ketepatan dan kekuatan bobot passing secara signifikan. membuktikan bahwa Pengembangan Alat Tes Passing yang dikembangkan adalah upaya efektif meningkatkan kualitas ketepatan passingProduk akhir berupa Pengembangan Alat Tes Passing Sepakbola. Pengembangan Alat Tes Passing Sepakbola efektif dan layak dalam meningkatkan kualitas ketepatan passing dan dapat mengetahui kekuatan tekanan pada passing tersebut. ******* This test tool can help coaches and players measure the level of accuracy, speed, and power of their passing. With this test tool, players can track the development of their passing skills over time, making it possible to make necessary training adjustments to improve their game performance. The purpose of the tool is to determine the quality of the accuracy of the player's passing, with a signal of lights on, sound and a timer that runs backwards from 90 seconds. From the results obtained and processed, in the validity test the significance level used 5% so that the rtable used was 0.514. The comparison value of r count and r table can be seen in the table below. If r count > r table means the question is valid, then all 10 questions are stated to be valid. The main hypothesis is if the Cronch's Alpha value is > 0.801 then the questionnaire is reliable, and vice versa if Cronch's Alpha < 0.801 then the questionnaire is not reliable. The Cronch's Alpha value of the questionnaire for testing the effectiveness of the 4 (four) sides (front, back, right and left) football passing test tools in the reliability test was 0.960, so the questionnaire for testing the effectiveness of the 4 (four) sides (front, back, right and left) football passing test tools was declared reliable. The pre-test average was 12.73 and the post-test was 15.20 with a standard deviation of 2.017 and 2.077. It is found in the t-test table with a significance level of 0.05 having Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001. The p-value result Sig. (2 - Sided) <0.05, then the football passing test tools can significantly improve the results of the passing test accuracy. This proves that the football passing test tool created is an effective effort to improve the results of passing accuracy in the sport of football. Keywords: Football; Passing; Sport Technology

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Additional Information: 1.) Dr. Drs. Bambang Kridasuwarso, M.Pd. 2.) Dr. Fahmy Fachrezzy, M.Pd
Subjects: Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > Pendidikan Olah Raga
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S2 Pendidikan Jasmani
Depositing User: Users 23941 not found.
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2024 03:46
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2024 03:46

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