Ramdan Muhammad Yusuf, . (2024) UPAYA MENINGKATKAN SHOOTING FUTSAL MELALUI VARIASI PERMAINAN (Study Action Research di Sekolah Dasar). Magister thesis, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA.

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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan shooting dalam permainan futsal pada peserta didik kelas V dan VI yang terdaftar sebagai peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal di SDN Srengseng Sawah 04 dengan jumlah subjek 53 peserta didik. Penelitian tindakan ini mengunakan model Kemmis Taggart yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Tindakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan variasi permainan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan observer berupa tes kebenaran gerak, tes shooting, catatan lapangan, dan dokumen selama penelitian berlangsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah dilakukan tindakan menggunakan variasi permainan pada siklus I terdapat beberapa peserta didik yang mampu mencapai nilai ketuntasan untuk tes kebenaran gerak shooting (proses) siklus I, peserta didik yang dinyatakan tuntas 22 (42%) peserta didik, dan 31 (58%) ainnya dinyatakan tidak tuntas. Kemudian untuk tes akurasi shooting (produk) siklus I, peserta didik yang dinyatakan tuntas 34 (64%), dan yang dinyatakan tidak tuntas sebanyak 19 (36%). Dari hasil tersebut, sudah terdapat peningkatan, tetapi secara kelompok belum lebih dari atau sama dengan 70% dari jumlah total keseluruhan peserta didik. Selanjutnya pada siklus II terdapat peningkatan yang signinfikan. Untuk peserta didik yang dinyatakan tuntas pada tes kebenaran gerak shooting (proses) sebanyak 53 (100%) peserta didik. Kemudian untuk tes akurasi shooting (produk) siklus II, peserta didik yang dinyatakan tuntas sebanyak 42 (79%) dan yang dinyatakan tidak tuntas sebanyak 11 (21%). Dari hasil tes kebenaran gerak dan tes shooting siklus II tersebut dinyatakan tuntas karena secara kelompok, persentase subjek yang mencapai nilai kriteria ketuntasan lebih dari 70% dari total keseluruhan peserta didik, dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan variasi permainan mampu meningkatkan shooting peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal di SDN Srengseng Sawah 04. Kata kunci: Penelitian Tindakan, Variasi Permainan, Shooting, Futsal This research is action research to improve shooting skills in futsal games in class V and VI students who are registered as futsal extracurricular participants at SDN Srengseng Sawah 04 with a total of 53 students as subjects. This action research uses the Kemmis Taggart model which consists of two cycles. The actions in this research use a variety of games to achieve the desired goals. Data was collected through observer observations in the form of movement truth tests, shooting tests, field notes, and documents during the research. The results of the research showed that after carrying out actions using game variations in cycle I, there were several students who were able to achieve a completeness score for the shooting movement correctness test (process) in cycle I, 22 (42%) students who were declared complete, and 31 (58%) students who were declared complete. %) others are declared incomplete. Then for the shooting accuracy test (product) cycle I, 34 (64%) students were declared complete and 19 (36%) were declared incomplete. From these results, there has been an increase, but as a group it is not more than or equal to 70% of the total number of students. Furthermore, in cycle II there was a significant increase. For students who were declared complete in the shooting movement correctness test (process), there were 53 (100%) students. Then for the shooting accuracy test (product) cycle II, 42 (79%) students were declared complete and 11 (21%) were declared incomplete. From the results of the movement correctness test and the second cycle shooting test, it was declared complete because as a group, the percentage of subjects who achieved the completeness criteria score was more than 70% of the total number of students, and it can be concluded that the application of game variations was able to improve the shooting of futsal extracurricular participants at SDN Srengseng Sawah 04. Keywords: Action Research, Game Variations, Shooting, Futsal

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Additional Information: 1). Dr. Sujarwo, M.Pd 2). Dr. Yasep Karnawijaya, S.KM., M.Kes
Subjects: Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > Pendidikan Olah Raga
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S2 Pendidikan Jasmani
Depositing User: Users 24382 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Aug 2024 00:01
Last Modified: 06 Aug 2024 00:01
URI: http://repository.unj.ac.id/id/eprint/48483

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