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Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh antara variabel perceived ease of use, variabel perceived of risk, dan trust sebagai variabel mediasi terhadap digital payment usage khususnya aplikasi QRIS yang digunakan oleh pelaku UMKM yang berlokasi di wilayah Jabodetabek dengan menggunakan modifikasi teori Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan sumber data primer melalui penyebaran kuesioner yang dilakukan secara daring menggunakan Google Form. Teknik convenience sampling digunakan di dalam pemilihan sampel. Adapun kriteria sampel penelitian yaitu UMKM yang menjadi merchant QRIS dan menggunakan QRIS sebagai alat pembayaran serta berlokasi di Jabodetabek. Jumlah sampel penelitian yang dikumpulkan sebanyak 224 sampel. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan model penelitian SEM-AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga hipotesis yang diterima dan dua hipotesis yang ditolak yaitu, perceived ease of use berpengaruh positif terhadap trust sehingga hipotesis satu (H1) diterima, perceived of risk tidak berpengaruh terhadap trust sehingga hipotesis dua (H2) ditolak, trust berpengaruh positif terhadap digital payment usage sehingga hipotesis tiga (H3) diterima, perceived ease of use berpengaruh positif terhadap digital payment usage sehingga hipotesis  empat (H4) diterima, dan perceived of risk tidak berpengaruh terhadap digital payment usage sehingga hipotesis lima (H5) ditolak. Diketahui juga bahwa variabel trust mampu memediasi pengaruh perceived ease of use terhadap digital payment usage dan tidak mampu memediasi pengaruh perceived of risk terhadap digital payment usage. Implikasi praktis yang dapat dilakukan oleh vendor penyedia jasa adalah perlu adanya pemberian sosialisasi terkait penggunaan QRIS kepada merchant agar pengguna dapat memaksimalkan penggunaan QRIS dengan baik. ***** The study was conducted to determine whether there is an influence between the variables of perceived ease of use, perceived risk, and trust as mediating variables on digital payment usage, especially the QRIS application used by MSMEs located in the Jabodetabek area using a modification of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory. The study used a quantitative research method with primary data sources through the distribution of questionnaires conducted online using Google Form. The convenience sampling technique was used in sample selection. The criteria for the research sample were MSMEs that were QRIS merchants and used QRIS as a means of payment and were located in Jabodetabek. The number of research samples collected was 224 samples. The study was conducted using the SEM-AMOS research model. The results of the study showed that there were three accepted hypotheses and two rejected hypotheses, namely, perceived ease of use has a positive effect on trust so that hypothesis one (H1) is accepted, perceived risk does not affect trust so that hypothesis two (H2) is rejected, trust has a positive effect on digital payment usage so that hypothesis three (H3) is accepted, perceived ease of use has a positive effect on digital payment usage so that hypothesis four (H4) is accepted, and perceived risk does not affect digital payment usage so that hypothesis five (H5) is rejected. It is also known that the trust variable is able to mediate the effect of perceived ease of use on digital payment usage and is unable to mediate the effect of perceived risk on digital payment usage. The practical implication that can be carried out by service provider vendors is the need to provide socialization regarding the use of QRIS to merchants so that users can maximize the use of QRIS properly.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: 1). Prof. Dr. Umi Widyastuti, S.E, M.E., ; 2). Dr. Muhammad Yusuf, S.E., M.M.
Subjects: Manajemen > Manajemen , Business
Divisions: FE > S1 Manajemen
Depositing User: Users 25045 not found.
Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2024 01:06
Last Modified: 07 Aug 2024 01:06

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