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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter cerita rakyat berbasis laman populer. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa teknik analisis dan kajian psikologi sebagai pendekatannya. Fokus yang dikaji pada penelitian ini yaitu nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terdapat dalam cerita rakyat berbasis laman populer, sedangkan subfokus penelitian yaitu 5 nilai utama pendidikan karakter. subfokus penelitian ini meliputi lima nilai utama pendidikan karakter. 5 nilai utama pendidikan karakter yaitu nilai religi, nilai nasionalis, nilai mandiri, nilai gotong-royong, nilai integritas. Subfokus lima nilai utama pendidikan karakter masing-masing terbagi lagi menjadi subnilai. Subnilai religi di antaranya cinta damai, toleransi, menghargai perbedaan agama dan kepercayaan yang dianut, teguh pendirian, percaya diri, kerja sama antarpemeluk agama dan kepercayaan, antibuli dan kekerasan, persahabatan, ketulusan. Tidak memaksa kehendak, mencintai lingkungan, melindungi yang kecil dan tersisih. Subnilai nasionalis di antaranya apresiasi budaya bangsa sendiri, menjaga kekayaan budaya bangsa sendiri, rela berkorban, unggul dan berprestasi, cinta tanah air, menjaga lingkungan, taat hukum, disipilin, menghormati keragaman budaya, suku, dan agama. Subnilai mandiri di antaranya kerja keras, tangguh tahan banting, daya juang, profesional, kreatif, keberanian, dan menjadi pembelajar sepanjang hayat. Sub nilai gotong-royong di antaranya menghargai, kerja sama, inklusif, komitmen atas keputusan bersama. Musyawarah mufakat, tolong-menolong, solidaritas, empati, antidiskriminasi, antikekerasan, dan sikap kerelawanan. Subnilai integritas di antaranya kejujuran, cinta pada kebenaran, setia, komitmen moral, antikorupsi, keadilan, tanggung jawab, keteladanan, menghargai martabat individu (terutama) penyandang disabilitas. Pada kumpulan 10 cerita rakyat berbasis laman populer berjumlah 58 data, 12 temuan data terbanyak subnilai religi yaitu: 3 subnilai mencintai lingkungan, 13 temuan data terbanyak subnilai nasionalis di antaranya, yaitu: 5 subnilai menjaga lingkungan, 10 temuan data terbanyak subnilai mandiri di antaranya, yaitu : 3 subnilai daya juang, dan 3 subnilai keberanian, 12 temuan data terbanyak subnilai gotong-royong di antaranya, : 3 subnilai anti kekerasan, dan 3 subnilai kerelawanan, 11 temuan data terbanyak subnilai integritas di antaranya, yaitu: 4 subnilai komitmen moral. Penelitian ini juga diimplikasikan pada pembelajaran bahasa, khususnya materi teks cerita rakyat (hikayat) untuk tingkat sekolah menengah atas (SMA) kelas X KD. 3.7 Mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai dan isi yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat (hikayat) baik lisan maupun tulis dan KD. 4.7 Menceritakan kembali isi cerita rakyat (hikayat) yang didengar dan dibaca. Kata kunci: Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Karakter, Cerita Rakyat,Berbasis Laman Populer This study aims to describe the values of folklore character education based on popular websites. The method used in this research is in the form of analysis techniques and psychological studies as the approach. The focus studied in this study is the values of character education contained in folklore based on popular pages, while the research sub-focus is the 5 main values of character education. The sub-focus of this research includes five main values of character education. The 5 main values of character education are religious values, nationalist values, independent values, mutual cooperation values, integrity values. The five main values of character education sub-focus are divided into sub-values. Religious sub-values include love of peace, tolerance, respect for differences in religions and beliefs, persistence, self-confidence, cooperation between religions and beliefs, anti-violence and violence, friendship, sincerity. Does not force the will, loves the environment, protects the small and excluded. Nationalist sub-values include appreciation of the nation's own culture, maintaining the nation's own cultural wealth, being willing to sacrifice, being superior and achieving, loving the homeland, protecting the environment, obeying the law, disciplining, respecting cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. Independent sub-values include hard work, resilience, fighting power, professionalism, creativity, courage, and being a lifelong learner. The sub-values of mutual cooperation include respect, cooperation, inclusion, commitment to joint decisions. Deliberation to reach consensus, helping out, solidarity, empathy, anti-discrimination, nonviolence, and voluntary attitudes. The sub-values of integrity include honesty, love of truth, loyalty, moral commitment, anti-corruption, justice, responsibility, exemplary, respect for individual dignity (especially) persons with disabilities. In a collection of 10 popular page-based folklore totaling 58 data, the most 12 data findings were religious sub-values, namely: 3 sub-values of loving the environment, 13 of which were found with the most nationalist sub-values, namely: 5 sub-values protecting the environment, 10 most data findings were independent sub-scores, among others, namely: 3 sub-values for fighting power, and 3 sub-values for courage, 12 of which were found with the most data on the sub-value of mutual cooperation, namely: 3 on the anti-violence sub-value, and 3 on the volunteerism sub-value, 11 of which were the most data findings for the integrity sub-value, namely: 4 sub-values for moral commitment. This research also implies language learning, especially folklore text material (saga) for high school level (SMA) class X KD. 3.7 Identifying the values and content contained in folklore (saga) both oral and written and basic competencies. 4.7 Retelling the contents of the folk story (saga) that was heard and read. keywords: Character Education Values, Folklore, Popular Pages Base

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: 1). Rahmah Purwahida, M.Hum. ; 2). Edi Puryanto, M.Pd.
Subjects: Pendidikan > Pendidikan Dasar
Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Bahasa Indonesia
Divisions: FBS > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Depositing User: Users 4551 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Sep 2020 14:49
Last Modified: 24 Sep 2020 14:49

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