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ABSTRAK Tingginya frekuensi bencana alam yang terjadi di Indonesia terutama gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi karena letak geografis wilayah Indonesia, belum didukung oleh kemampuan dan keterampilan pengelolaan kegawatdaruratan bencana, serta standarnya belum terumuskan dengan baik pada setiap lembaga pendidikan tenaga keperawatan. Hal ini diperkuat dengan hasil berbagai penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar perawat lambat berespon dalam menghadapi bencana, karena minimnya pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman dalam penanganan bencana alam. Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah (1) mengembangkan instrumen unobstrusive (observasi) penilaian kompetensi keperawatan bencana yang mengacu pada kerangka kerja International Council of Nurses (ICN), khususnya bencana gempa bumi dan gunung berapi; (2) membuktikan validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen penilaian kompetensi keperawatan bencana; (3) memberikan informasi hasil analisis statistik dari interaksi antara butir instrumen, rater, dan mahasiswa pada implementasi simulasi bencana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Design-Based Research (DBR) yaitu penelitian berbasis desain dengan merujuk model Anderson and Shattuck, dimana peneliti mendesain instrumen yang dikembangkan berbentuk rubrik dan penilaiannya oleh rater saat simulasi bencana gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi. Hasil pengembangan instrumen pada empat area kompetensi yaitu kompetensi mitigasi, kesiapsiagaan, penanganan, dan pemulihan. Adapun dari 10 aspek dikembangkan sejumlah 26 indikator dan 28 item capaian. Validitas konten instrumen dibuktikan dengan kesepakatan ahli menggunakan indeks kesepakatan Aiken, di mana hasilnya semua item berada pada kategori valid atau sangat valid. Pengembangan instrumen ini menggunakan 5 kategori rating dan 5 validator. Berdasarkan standar yang diusulkan Aiken dalam tabelnya, maka standar V Aiken untuk instrumen ini adalah 0,80 dengan probabilitas 0,04, maka keseluruhan item dapat diterima validitasnya. Untuk perangkat instrumen diperoleh indeks Aiken sebesar 0,85 dengan kategori tinggi. Selanjutnya hasil analisis Many Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM) pada instrumen penilaian dengan membandingkan interaksi elemen facet yaitu mahasiswa, butir item, dan dosen penilai dari kelompok sampel kecil (20) dan besar (60) terdapat perbedaan, meskipun telah memenuhi syarat reliabilitas. Instrumen yang dikembangkan dengan rubrik penilaian kompetensi ini terkategori tinggi dan terbukti valid. Item instrumen tidak ada yang paling sulit bagi mahasiswa menurut rater dan mempunyai variabilitas tingkat kesulitan yang beragam. Terdeteksi juga perbedaan konsistensi rater dalam penilaian. Instrumen ini memiliki ciri khas karena butir item capaian kompetensinya khusus untuk bencana gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi, sehingga setelah dibakukan dapat digunakan oleh institusi pendidikan keperawatan dengan tingkatan Diploma III. Kata Kunci: instrumen penilaian, kompetensi keperawatan bencana, indeks Aiken, manyfacet ABSTRACT The high frequency of natural disasters that occur in Indonesia, especially earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is due to the geographical location of Indonesia, inadequate disaster emergency management capabilities and skills, and emerging standards that have not been formulated properly in every nursing education institution. This is reinforced by the results of various studies showing that most nurses are slow in responding to disasters due to a lack of knowledge, skills and experience in handling natural disasters. The aims of this research are (1) to develop an unobtrusive (observation) instrument for assessing disaster nursing competencies that refers to the framework of the International Council of Nurses (ICN), particularly earthquakes and volcanoes; (2) prove the validity and reliability of the disaster nursing competency assessment instrument; (3) providing information on the results of statistical analysis of the interactions between instrument items, raters, and students in the implementation of disaster simulations. This study uses the Design-Based Research (DBR) method, which is design-based research by referring to the Anderson and Shattuck model, where the researcher designs an instrument that is developed in the form of a rubric and is assessed by raters during simulations of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The results of instrument development in four competency areas include mitigation, preparedness, handling, and recovery competencies. As for the 10 aspects, 26 indicators and 28 achievement items were developed. The validity of the instrument content is proven by expert agreement using the Aiken agreement index, where the results are all items in the valid or very valid category. The development of this instrument uses 5 rating categories and 5 validators. Based on the standard proposed by Aiken in the table, the V Aiken standard for this instrument is 0.80 with a probability of 0.04, so the validity of all items can be accepted. For instruments, an Aiken index of 0.85 was obtained in the high category. Furthermore, the results of the Many Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM) analysis on the assessment instrument by comparing the interaction of facet elements, namely students, item items, and assessors from small (20) and large (60) sample groups, there are differences, even though they have met the reliability requirements.The instrument developed with this competency assessment rubric is categorized as high and has been proven valid. No instrument item is the most difficult for students according to the rater and has varying levels of difficulty variability. Differences in rater consistency were also detected in the assessment. This instrument has a characteristic because the items of competency achievement are specifically for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions so that after being standardized, they can be used by nursing education institutions with Diploma III level. Keywords: assessment instrument, disaster nursing competence, Aiken index, many facets

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Additional Information: 1). Dr. Achmad Ridwan, M.Si. ; 2). Dr. Ir. Mahdiyah, M.Kes.
Subjects: Pendidikan > Teori, Penelitian Pendidikan
Ilmu Kedokteran > Keperawatan
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S3 Penelitian Dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Depositing User: Users 13689 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Mar 2022 07:59
Last Modified: 04 Mar 2022 07:59

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