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Seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, persaingan pasar semakin meningkat sehingga para produsen lampu mengeluarkan berbagai jenis merek-merek lampu LED dengan kapasitas daya yang beragam. Hal ini menimbulkan kebingungan kepada masyarakat untuk membeli merek yang tepat, apalagi saat ini tarif listrik semakin meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Perbandingan daya dari beberapa lampu LED dan (2) Perbandingan intensitas pencahayaan (illuminance) dari beberapa lampu LED. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif berdasarkan data-data hasil pengukuran daya lampu dan intensitas pencahayaan (illuminance). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik yaitu peneliti membandingkan daya dan intensitas pencahayaan yang terukur dengan daya dan intensitas pencahayaan yang tercantum di kemasan lampu dengan perhitungan akurasi. Hasil analisa perbandingan daya dari 6 merek lampu LED sebelum pengujian penuaan (ageing), maka diperoleh lampu LED yang mendekati nilai 5 watt sebanyak 2 merek (D1 dan E1), lampu LED yang mendekati nilai 9 watt sebanyak 1 merek (F2), lampu LED yang mendekati nilai 12 watt sebanyak 2 merek (A3 dan D3). Setelah pengujian penuaan (ageing), maka diperoleh lampu LED yang mendekati nilai 5 watt sebanyak 1 merek (E1), lampu LED yang mendekati nilai 9 watt sebanyak 1 merek (F2), lampu LED yang mendekati nilai 12 watt sebanyak 2 merek (D3 dan F3). Hasil analisa perbandingan intensitas pencahayaan (illuminance) dari 6 merek lampu LED sebelum pengujian penuaan (ageing), diperoleh lampu LED 5 watt dengan lux terukur yang mendekati lux kemasan adalah merek F1, lampu LED 9 watt dengan lux terukur yang mendekati lux kemasan adalah merek F2 dan lampu LED 12 watt dengan lux terukur yang mendekati lux kemasan adalah merek F3. Setelah pengujian penuaan (ageing), maka diperoleh lampu LED 5 watt dengan lux terukur yang mendekati lux kemasan adalah merek E1, lampu LED 9 watt dengan lux terukur yang mendekati lux kemasan adalah merek F2, dan lampu LED 12 watt dengan lux terukur yang mendekati lux kemasan adalah merek C3. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah lampu merek F memiliki hasil analisa daya dan lux terukur, nilainya mendekati daya dan lux yang tertera di kemasan lampu serta perhitungan akurasi tertinggi dari merek lain dan selama melakukan pengukuran terlihat bahwa nilai lux sangat stabil untuk merek F. ***** Along with the development of science and technology, market competition is increasing so that lamp manufacturers issue various types of LED lamp brands with various power capacities. This causes confusion for the public to buy the right brand, especially now that electricity rates are increasing. This study aims to determine (1) Comparison of the power of several LED lamps and (2) Comparison of the intensity of lighting (illuminance) of several LED lamps. The research method used is descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach based on data from measurements of lamp power and illumination intensity. The data analysis technique used is statistical analysis, in which the researcher compares the measured power and lighting intensity with the lighting power and intensity listed on the lamp packaging with accuracy calculations. The results of the power comparison analysis of 6 brands of LED lamps before aging testing, obtained 2 brands of LED lamps that approach the value of 5 watts (D1 and E1), LED lamps that approach the value of 9 watts of 1 brand (F2), LED lamps which is close to the 12 watt rating of 2 brands (A3 and D3). After aging testing, 1 brand (E1) obtained LED lamps approaching 5 watts, 1 brand (F2) approaching 9 watts, 2 brands (D3 and F3) LED lamps approaching 12 watts. The results of the comparative analysis of illuminance intensity of 6 brands of LED lamps before aging testing, obtained a 5 watt LED lamp with a measured lux that is close to the packaging lux is the F1 brand, a 9 watt LED light with a measured lux that is close to the packaging lux is the F2 brand. and a 12 watt LED lamp with a rated lux close to the packaged lux is the F3 brand. After aging testing, a 5 watt LED lamp with a measured lux close to the packaged lux is obtained from the E1 brand, a 9 watt LED lamp with a rated lux close to the packaged lux is the F2 brand, and a 12 watt LED lamp with a rated lux close to lux packaging is brand C3. The end result of this research is that brand F lamps have the results of measured power and lux analysis, the values are close to the power and lux stated on the lamp packaging as well as the highest calculation accuracy of other brands and during the measurement it is seen that the lux value is very stable for brand F.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: 1). Ir. Drs. Parjiman, M.T. ; 2). Drs. Readysal Monantun, M.Pd.
Subjects: Teknologi dan Ilmu Terapan > Teknik Energi > Energi Listrik
Divisions: FT > S1 Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Users 19213 not found.
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2023 01:20
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2023 01:20

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