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Saat ini pencatatan data pengkajian luka dan pemeriksaan kesehatan masih dilakukan secara tradisional. Hal ini menyebabkan pemanfaatan informasi menjadi kurang maksimal, berjalan kurang efektif, lama dalam prosesnya dan menyulitkan proses pertukaran data medis antar divisi medis. Sehingga, diperlukannya aplikasi yang dapat mengarsipkan data pengkajian luka dan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara digital dan memudahkan dalam pertukaran data antar divisi medis. Adapun Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem informasi keperawatan luka di klinik Moist Care. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah Pengembangan/Research and Development. Data diambil melalui paparan presentasi bersama ibu Irma Puspita Arisanti selaku pemilik klinik Moist Care. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan yaitu: (1) Terciptanya sistem informasi keperawatan luka yang sudah mengimplementasikan sebagian fitur-fitur pada product backlog. Diantaranya pembuatan akun pasien, dashboard klinik, pemeriksaan kesehatan dan sebagain proses pengobatan luka (view dan web service inventaris dan layanan). Adapun perancangannya dilakukan dengan metode scrum dengan tahapan penyusunan product backlog, sprint backlog dan terbagi menjadi empat sprint; (2) Terimplementasikannya Web Service yang berfungsi sebagai Back-End sistem informasi keperawatan luka; (3) Sistem informasi keperawatan luka dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa python dengan bantuan framework flask. Currently, the recording of wound assessment data and medical examinations is still carried out in the traditional way. This causes the utilization of information to be less than optimal, runs less effectively, takes longer to process and complicates the process of exchanging medical data between medical divisions. Thus, an application is needed that can digitally archive wound assessment and medical examination data and facilitate the exchange of data between medical divisions. This study aims to design a wound nursing clinical information system at the Moist Care clinic. This type of research is Research and Development. The data was taken through a presentation with Mrs. Irma Puspita Arisanti as the owner of the Moist Care clinic. The research results obtained are: (1) The creation of a wound nursing information system that has implemented some of the features in the product backlog. Including creating patient accounts, clinical dashboards, health checks and part of the wound treatment process (view and web service of inventory and services). The design is done using the scrum method with the stages of preparing a product backlog, sprint backlog and divided into four sprints; (2) Implementation of a Web Service that functions as the Back-End of wound nursing information systems; (3) Wound nursing information systems were developed in python with the help of the flask framework.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: 1). Muhammad Eka Suryana, M.Kom. ; 2). Drs. Mulyono, M.Kom.
Subjects: Sains > Matematika > Ilmu Komputer
Sains > Matematika > Software, Sistem Informasi Komputer
Divisions: FMIPA > S1 Ilmu Komputer
Depositing User: Users 20125 not found.
Date Deposited: 07 Sep 2023 05:56
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2023 05:56
URI: http://repository.unj.ac.id/id/eprint/41427

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