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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, (1) bagaimanakah desain pengembangan model field trip yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa Sekolah Dasar, (2) bagaimanakah kelayakan model field trip yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa Sekolah Dasar, (3) bagaimanakah efektivitas penggunaan model field trip yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa Sekolah Dasar, (4) bagaimanakah kepraktisan model field trip yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian R & D dengan mengadopsi disain pengembangan dari Borg & Gall. Validasi model dilakukan melalui expert judgment. Uji coba model dilakukan menggunakan quasi experiment melalui pretes dan postes. Ujicoba dilakukan kepada kelas V (Lima) di tiga Sekolah Dasar wilayah Depok. Data penelitian mengenai penerapan model diperoleh melalui observasi dan angket, sedangkan analisis data untuk mengetahui efektifitas model dilakukan melalui skor rata-rata dan persen. Dari penelitian pengembangan ini dihasilkan disain model field trip untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematis dalam bentuk petunjuk langkah-langkah field trip yaitu, tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap akhir. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil ujicoba model menunjukkan bahwa, (1) Model field trip dan soal literasi matematis memenuhi kriteria Layak yang ditunjukkan oleh penilaian ahli dan praktisi yang masing-masing memperoleh rerata 3.45 dan 3.55 dengan kategori Baik. (2) Model field trip memenuhi kriteria Efektif yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil rerata aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran 3.00 dengan kategori Baik dan respon positif terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran memperoleh rerata 4.33 dengan kriteria Setuju/Senang, serta pencapaian kompetensi belajar siswa dari ketiga kelas ujicoba diperoleh rerata 82.30 terbukti mengalami peningkatan. (3) Model field trip memenuhi kriteria Praktis yang ditunjukkan oleh keterlaksanaan field trip dan kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran melalui hasil rerata pengamatan 3.88 dengan kategori Baik. ****************** ABSTRACT This study aims to determine, (1) how to design field trip model development that can improve mathematical literacy ability of elementary school students, (2) how is the feasibility of field trip models that can improve mathematical literacy abilities of elementary school students, (3) how effective the use of models field trips that can improve mathematical literacy abilities of elementary school students, (4) how is the practicality of field trip models that can improve mathematical literacy abilities of elementary school students. This research is an R & D study by adopting the development design of Borg & Gal. Model validation is done through expert judgment. Model trials are conducted using a quasiexperiment through pretest and posttest. The test was conducted for class V (Lima) in three elementary schools in Depok. Research data regarding the application of the model was obtained through observation and questionnaires, while data analysis to determine the effectiveness of the model was done through an average score and per cent. From this development research, the design of the field trip model is produced to improve the mathematical literacy ability in the form of field trip step instructions namely, the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the final stage. Whereas based on the results of the model trials, (1) Field trip models and mathematical literacy questions meet the Eligible criteria indicated by expert and practitioner assessments, each of which obtained an average of 3.45 and 3.55 in the Good category. (2) Field trip models meet the Effective criteria shown by the average results of student activities in learning 3.00 with the Good category and positive responses to the learning implementation obtain an average of 4.33 with the Agree / Happy criteria, and the achievement of student learning competencies from the three test classes obtained an average of 82.30 has been shown to increase. (3) Field trip models meet the Practical criteria shown by the implementation of field trips and the ability of the teacher to manage to learn through observations on average 3.88 in the Good category. Keywords: mathematical literacy, field trip models
Item Type: | Thesis (Doktor) |
Additional Information: | 1). Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Budi, M.Sc. ; 2). Prof. Dr. M. Syarif Sumantri, M.Pd. |
Subjects: | Pendidikan > Pendidikan Dasar |
Divisions: | PASCASARJANA > S3 Pendidikan Dasar |
Depositing User: | Users 1845 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 23 Apr 2020 10:44 |
Last Modified: | 23 Apr 2020 10:44 |
URI: | |
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