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ABSTRAK Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) berkualitas merupakan kebutuhan setiap organisasi. Polri sebagai organisasi pelayanan publik pun membutuhkan SDM kompeten dan berkualitas. Manajemen SDM melalui Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Diklat) berperan penting untuk mengembangkan SDM kompeten. Sekolah Polisi Negara (SPN) sebagai lembaga Diklat Polri memiliki peran penting dalam pengembangan SDM Polri berpangkat Brigadir Polisi. Komponen utamanya adalah tenaga pendidik (Gadik) SPN yang kompeten. Gadik memberikan kontribusi doninan terhadap kualitas lulusan. Rendahnya kompetensi Gadik SPN berdampak pada kualitas lulusan dan menghambat efektivitas pengembangan SDM Polri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan SDM Polri melalui peningkatan kompetensi tenaga pendidik SPN. Kondisi kompetensi tenaga pendidik SPN dan program peningkatan kompetensi tenaga pendidik SPN diperlukan dalam rangka mendukung pengembangan SDM Polri lulusan SPN. Aspek yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi Gadik SPN adalah adanya mekanisme peningkatan kompetensi tenaga pendidik dan sistem pembinaan karir tenaga pendidik SPN. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Subyek penelitian meliputi tenaga pendidik (Gadik) SPN berjumlah tujuh orang, ahli pendidikan Polri satu orang, ahli pendidikan dari akademisi dua orang, ahli Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) dari akademisi dua orang, praktisi dari Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) dua orang, dan personil Polri lulusan Sekolah Polsisi Negara (SPN) sebanyak lima orang. Metode pengumpulan data meliputi: wawancara, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), observasi, pengumpulan dokumen, dan review penelitian terdahulu. Teknik analisis data dengan mengatur, mengurutkan, mengelompokkan, memberi kode, dan mengkategorikan sehingga memperoleh temuan berdasarkan fokus dan sub fokus penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Gadik merupakan komponen utama SPN dalam peran pengembangan SDM Polri melalui pendidikan pembentukan Brigadir Polisi. Untuk mewujudkan efektivitas pengembangan SDM melalui peran pendidikan diperlukan Gadik SPN kompeten. Guna peningkatan kompetensi Gadik perlu didukung dengan sistem pembinaan Gadik SPN yang meliputi rekrutmen dan seleksi, penempatan, pelatihan, pengembangan karir dan promosi jabatan serta pendidikan pengembangan karir kepolisian. Kebaharuan yang ditawarkan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan SDM Polri melalui peningkatan Gadik SPN, untuk peningkatan kompetensi tersebut melalui mekanisme program peningkatan kompetensi Gadik SPN bersertifikat profesi pendidik Polri yang didukung sistem pembinaan karir Gadik SPN. (Kata kunci: Pengembangan Sumber daya manusia, tenaga pendidik, peningkatan kompetensi, sistem pembinaan karir, dan Sekolah Polisi Negara/ SPN). *********** ABSTRACT Quality Human Resources (HR) is a requirement of every organization. Polri as a public service organization also needs competent and quality human resources. Human resource management through education and training plays an important role in developing competent human resources. The National Police School (SPN) as the National Police Education and Training institution has an important role in the development of the National Police's human resources with the rank of Police Brigadier. The main component is competent SPN educators. Educators contribute to the quality of graduates. The low competency of the SPN teaching staff has an impact on the quality of graduates and hinders the development of the National Police's human resources. The purpose of this study was to describe the development of the National Police's human resources through increasing the competence of SPN educators. The competency of the teaching staff and the program to increase the competency of the SPN teaching staff are needed in order to support the development of the National Police HR graduates from SPN. The aspects needed to improve the competence of the SPN teaching staff are the existence of a mechanism for increasing the competence of the teaching staff and the career development system for the SPN teachers. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research subjects included seven SPN educators, one Polri education expert, two academicians, two human resource management experts from academics, two practitioners from the Indonesian National Police (Polri), and five Polri personnel who graduated from the State Police School (SPN). Data collection methods include: interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), observation, document collection, and review of previous research. Data analysis techniques by organizing, sorting, classifying, coding, and categorizing so as to obtain findings based on the focus of the study. The results of this study indicate that Gadik is the main component of SPN in the role of the development of the National Police's human resources through education for the formation of a Police Brigadier. To realize the effectiveness of human resource development through the role of education, a competent SPN teacher is required. In order to increase the competence of teachers, it is necessary to be supported by a system of training for teachers in SPN which includes recruitment and selection, placement, training, career development and promotion as well as police career development education. The novelty offered in this research is the development of the National Police's human resources through the improvement of the SPN Gadik, to increase this competence through the mechanism of the program to increase the competence of SPN certified teachers of the National Police teaching profession which is supported by the SPN Gadik career development system. (Keywords: Human resource development, teaching staff, competency improvement, career development system, and National Police School / SPN).

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Additional Information: 1). Prof.Dr. Mahmuddin Yasin, MBA ; 2). Dr. Nurhattati Fuad, M.Pd.
Subjects: Manajemen > Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S3 Ilmu Manajemen
Depositing User: Users 11959 not found.
Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2021 07:52
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2021 07:52

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