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DEVELOPMENT OF FLIPPED CLASSROOM FOR NEW TEACHER TRAINING WITH A COGNITIVE APPRETICESHIP APPROACH Susi Susanti Educational Technology ABSTRACT The need to provide technical guidance on basic teaching skills to new teachers is very high, considering that fresh graduate teachers have less teaching experience. This development research aims to develop flipped classroom learning with a proper and effective cognitive apprenticeship approach to be used for training new teachers at SIT Fitrah Hanniah. The development procedure in this study uses the Integrated Learning Design Framework (ILDF) model to design the overall design of the product model of this research. The stages of development using the ILDF model include exploration, enactment, and evaluation. At the enactment stage, the learning design uses the PEDATI model, which includes formulating learning outcomes, mapping and organizing learning materials, selecting, and determining synchronous and asynchronous learning activities, and designing synchronous and asynchronous learning activities. The product of this research is a flipped classroom model design for teacher training with a cognitive apprenticeship approach named PETI DIKLAT, new teacher training syllabus, and LMS Moodel These products have been evaluated formatively including expert review by learning design expert, learning media expert, and learning materials expert, one to one test and small group test. The result of this formative evaluation provide recommendation that this product is suitable for teacher training after an effectiveness test has been carried out. The effectiveness of this model was tested through pre-test and post-test for cognitive aspect which obtained N-Gain score of 84.30%. It means that the model is effective in improving the cognitive abilities of new teachers. Meanwhile, in the psychomotor aspect, its effectiveness was tested through the value of micro teaching test before participating in the training and after attending the training. The result of N-Gain score is 64.09% it means that this model is quite effective. The conclusion of the study is that the development of flipped classroom with a cognitive apprenticeship approach for teacher training is feasible and effective for increasing the knowledge and is feasible and effective enough to improve the skills of new teachers. Keywords: flipped classroom, cognitive apprenticeship, ILDF, PEDATI, teacher trainig.  ******** PENGEMBANGAN FLIPPED CLASSROOM UNTUK PELATIHAN GURU BARU DENGAN PENDEKATAN COGNITIVE APPRENTICESHIP Susi Susanti Teknologi Pendidikan ABSTRAK Kebutuhan untuk memberikan bimbingan teknis keterampilan dasar mengajar kepada guru baru sangat tinggi, mengingat para guru fresh graduate memiliki pengalaman mengajar yang kurang. Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran flipped classroom dengan pendekatan cognitive apprenticeship yang layak dan efektif digunakan untuk pelatihan guru baru di SIT Fitrah Hanniah. Prosedur pengembangan pada penelitian ini menggunakan model Integrated Learning Design Framework (ILDF) untuk merancang keseluruhan rancangan model produk penelitian ini. Tahapan pengembangan menggunakan model ILDF meliputi eksplorasi, penyusunan (enactment) dan evaluasi. Pada tahap penyusunan (enactment) desain pembelajaran menggunakan model PEDATI yang meliputi merumuskan capaian pembelajaran, memetakan dan mengorganisasikan materi pembelajaran, memilih dan menentukan aktivitas pembelajaran sinkron dan asinkron, serta merancang aktivitas pembelajaran sinkron dan asinkron. Produk penelitian ini adalah rancangan model flipped classroom untuk pelatihan guru dengan pendekatan cognitive apprenticeship yang diberi nama PETI DIKLAT, silabus pelatihan guru baru, dan LMS Moodle Ketiga produk penelitian ini telah dievaluasi formatif meliputi expert review oleh ahli desain pembelajaran, ahli media pembelajaran dan ahli materi pembelajaran, uji one to one dan uji kelompok kecil. Hasil evaluasi formatif ini memberikan rekomendasi bahwa produk ini layak digunakan untuk pelatihan guru setelah dilakukan uji efektivitas. Efektivitas produk penelitian ini diuji melalui tes sebelum (pre-test) dan tes setelah (post-test) untuk aspek kognitif yang memperoleh hasil N-Gain score sebesar 84.30%. Artinya bahwa model flipped classroom dengan pendekatan cognitive apprenticeship untuk pelatihan guru baru di SIT Fitrah Hanniah ini efektif meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif guru baru. Sementara pada aspek psikomotorik diuji efektivitasnya melalui nilai micro teaching sebelum mengikuti pelatihan dan nilai micro teaching setelah mengikuti pelatihan, dan memperoleh N-Gain score sebesar 64.09% yang artinya bahwa model flipped classroom dengan pendekatan cognitive apprenticeship ini cukup efektif. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa pengembangan flipped classroom dengan pendekatan cognitive apprenticeship untuk pelatihan guru di SIT Fitrah Hanniah ini layak dan efektif untu meningkatkan pengetahuan guru baru serta layak dan cukup efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan guru baru. Keywords: flipped classroom, cognitive apprenticeship, ILDF, PEDATI, Pelatihan guru

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Additional Information: 1). Dr. Khaerudin, M.Pd. ; 2). Prof. Dr. Etin Solihatin, M.Pd.
Subjects: Pendidikan > Teori, Penelitian Pendidikan
Pendidikan > Aneka Ragam tentang Pendidikan
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S2 Teknologi Pendidikan
Depositing User: Users 15868 not found.
Date Deposited: 08 Sep 2022 06:31
Last Modified: 08 Sep 2022 06:31

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