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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi menggunakan Collassion Learning. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan (R&D) dengan pendekatan yang dilegitimasi oleh Borg & Gall yaitu Steps of Systems Approach Model of Educational Research and Development yang diadaptasi dari langkah-langkah desain pembelajaran Dick and Carry dengan mengimplementasikan Collassion Learning pada fase ke-7. Collassion Learning memiliki bagian-bagian di dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang terdiri atas langkah-langkah pembelajaran Collassion Learning yang terdiri atas 6 fase, reaksi pembelajar dalam setiap fase yang diberi nama Prinsip-prinsip reaksi Collassion Learning, interaksi antar pemelajar dalam kelompok kecil yang disebut Sistem Sosial Collassion Learning dan Sistem Pendukung Collassion Learning baik berupa modul cetak, maupun Learning Management System yang diberi nama Collassion Learning-App yang memungkinkan pemelajar untuk berkolaborasi dan berdiskusi tanpa dibatas oleh ruang dan waktu. Hasil evaluasi formatif yang melibatkan berbagai pakar dan pemelajar, menunjukan bahwa produk yang dihasilkan layak untuk digunakan. Rerata nilai pre-test yang diperoleh pemelajar 53 dan post-test 80 sehingga peningkatan rerata skor yang didapatkan pemelajar 27. Efektivitas model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan mencapai nilai minimal baik (70) sebesar 83,33%. Hasil uji signifikansi menggunakan uji-t menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar sebelum dan sesudah penerapan model pembelajaran. Peningkatan (N-gain) hasil belajar pemelajar sebesar 0,62 menunjukkan peningkatan sedang. Berdasarkan kelayakan dan efektivitas yang dihasilkan dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. ******* This study aims to develop a learning model of Information System Analysis and Design Using Collassion Learning. The method used is research development (R&D) with an approach legitimized by Borg & Gall, namely the Steps of Systems Approach Model of Educational Research and Development which was adapted from the steps of Dick and Carry's learning design by implementing Collassion Learning in the 7th phase. Collassion Learning has parts in the implementation of learning which consist of Collassion Learning learning steps which consist of 6 phases, learner reactions in each phase which are named Collassion Learning reaction principles, interaction between students in small groups called Social System Collassion Learning and Collassion Learning Support Systems in the form of print modules, as well as a Learning Management System called Collassion Learning-App that allows students to collaborate and discuss without being limited by space and time. The results of the formative evaluation involving various experts and learners, show that the resulting product is feasible to use. The average pre-test score obtained by learners is 53 and post-test is 80 so that the increase in the average score obtained by learners is 27. The effectiveness of the learning model developed reaches a good minimum score (70) of 83.33%. The results of the significance test using the t-test showed that there was a significant difference between learning outcomes before and after the application of the learning model. An increase (N-gain) in student learning outcomes of 0.62 indicates a moderate increase. Based on the feasibility and effectiveness produced, it can be concluded that this learning model can be implemented in learning activities.

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Additional Information: 1). Dr. Khaerudin, M.Pd. ; 2). Prof.Dr. Basuki Wibawa
Subjects: Teknologi dan Ilmu Terapan > Teknologi (umum) > Teknologi Pendidikan
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S3 Teknologi Pendidikan
Depositing User: Users 16707 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2023 05:44
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2023 05:44

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