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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan unsur gaya bahasa dan ideologi pengarang yang terkandung pada novel Rasa karya Tere Liye. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif-analisis. Sumber data meliputi novel dengan ketebalan 421 halaman yang terbagi pada 24 bab cerita. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini, terdiri dari pendekatan stilistika dan strukturalisme genetik. Pertama, stilistika merupakan teori interdisipliner linguistik-sastra yang menelaah penggunaan gaya bahasa pada teks sastra. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan: (1) Aspek diksi berfokus pada keberagaman diksi yang terdiri dari diksi bertema, diksi konotatif, diksi kritik, diksi humor, diksi didaktif, dan diksi bahasa slang. (2) Aspek sintaksis berfokus pada leksikogramatika wacana yang dinilai mewakili fungsi ideasional dengan melibatkan Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional, yang terdiri dari Material Process, Mental Process, Verbal Process, Existential Process, dan Relational Process. Selain itu, ditemukan pula beberapa sirkumstansi antara lain: Circumstance of Time, Circumstance of Place, Circumstance of Place, dan Circumstance of Cause. (3) Aspek kohesi-koherensi berfokus pada kepaduan wacana dari segi bentuk dan makna wacana. Pada aspek kohesi, ditemukan wujud kohesi gramatikal dan kohesi leksikal. Pada aspek koherensi, ditemukan hubungan sebab-akibat, sarana-hasil, latar-kesimpulan, syarat-hasil, perbandingan, identifikasi, dan generik-spesifik. (4) Aspek sarana retorika terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu bahasa figuratif dan citraan. Bahasa figuratif berfokus pada keindahan penggunaan bahasa dari segi bentuk dan kandungan maknanya, yang terdiri dari majas perbandingan dan majas pertautan. Sementara itu, citraan berfokus pada penggunaan bahasa yang memberikan gambaran cerita melalui pengalaman indera pembaca, yang terdiri dari citraan visual, citraan auditif, citraan gerak, citra perabaan, dan citraan penciuman. Secara keseluruhan, pemunculan aspek-aspek gaya bahasa tersebut ditujukan sebagai penguatan unsur intrinsik wacana (penokohan, gagasan, referensi makna, alur cerita, suasana, dan latar), efisiensi-dinamisasi wacana, dan penciptaan variasi bentuk lingual pada wacana. Kedua, strukturalisme genetik merupakan teori yang mengkaji ideologi pengarang dengan mempertimbangkan bentuk internal sastra dan kedudukan pengarang sebagai bagian dari masyarakat. Dengan mengacu pendapat Goldmann, maka kesimpulan hasil penelitian terdiri dari: (1) Pada fakta kemanusiaan, ditemukan dampak kondisi fatherless psikologis tokoh, korupsi sebagai bentuk degradasi moral, dan relasi istilah antara fiksi dan realita industri film di Indonesia. (2) Pada subjek kolektif, ditemukan adanya kedudukan kelas sosial dan kelas ekonomi. Kelas sosial berperan sebagai acuan konsep cerita dan penokohan, sedangkan kelas ekonomi mengandung sistem represif yang menentukan deskripsi dan citra tokoh cerita. (3) Pada pandangan dunia, ditemukan pandangan realisme sosialis pada fenomena fatherless, pandangan eksistensialisme pada posisi perempuan, pandangann humanisme pada konflik cerita, dan pandangan kognitivisme pada komparasi geografis. ***** This research aims to reveal the elements of language style and author's ideology contained in the "Rasa" novel by Tere Liye. This research is qualitative using descriptive-analytic research methods. Data sources include a novel with a thickness of 421 pages divided into 24 story chapters. The research approach used in this research consists of a stylistic approach and genetic structuralism. First, stylistics is an interdisciplinary linguistic-literary theory that examines the use of language style in literary texts. Based on the research results, it can be concluded: (1) The diction aspect focuses on the diversity of diction consisting of themed diction, connotative diction, critical diction, humorous diction, didactive diction, and slang diction. (2) The syntactic aspect focuses on the lexicogrammatics of discourse which is considered to represent ideational function by involving Functional Systemic Linguistics, which consists of Material Process, Mental Process, Verbal Process, Existential Process, and Relational Process. Several circumstances were also found, including Circumstance of Time, Circumstance of Place, Circumstance of Place, and Circumstance of Cause. (3) The cohesion-coherence aspect focuses on the coherence of the discourse in terms of the form and meaning of the discourse. In the aspect of cohesion, forms of grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion are found. In the coherence aspect, cause-effect, means-results, background-conclusion, conditions-results, comparison, identification, and generic-specific relationships are found. (4) Aspects of rhetorical means are divided into figurative language and imagery. Figurative language focuses on the beauty of language use in terms of form and meaning content, which consists of comparative figures of speech and linkage figures of speech. Meanwhile, imagery focuses on language that provides an overview of the story through the reader's sensory experience, which consists of visual imagery, auditive imagery, movement imagery, tactile imagery, and olfactory imagery. Overall, the emergence of aspects of linguistic style is aimed at strengthening the intrinsic elements of discourse (characterization, ideas, meaning references, storyline, atmosphere, and setting), efficiency-dynamization of discourse, and the creation of variations in lingual forms in discourse. Second, genetic structuralism is a theory that examines the author's ideology by considering the internal form of literature and the author's position as part of society. By referring to Goldmann's opinion, the conclusions of the research results consist of (1) In terms of human facts, the impact of the character's psychological fatherlessness was found, corruption as a form of moral degradation, and the relation between fiction and the reality of the film industry in Indonesia. (2) In collective subjects, it is found that there are social class and economic class positions. Social class is a reference for story concepts and characterization, while economic class contains a repressive system that determines the description and image of story characters. (3) In the world view, the researcher found a socialist realist view on the phenomenon of fatherlessness, an existentialist view on the position of women, a humanist view on story conflict, and a cognitivism view on geographical comparisons.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Additional Information: | 1). Dr. Siti Ansoriyah, M.Pd. ; 2). Dr. Shafruddin Tajuddin, M.A. |
Subjects: | Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Linguistik Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Kesusastraan > Kritik Sastra Bahasa dan Kesusastraan > Kesusastraan > Sastra Indonesia |
Divisions: | PASCASARJANA > S2 Linguistik Terapan |
Depositing User: | Users 20916 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 27 Dec 2023 01:09 |
Last Modified: | 27 Dec 2023 01:09 |
URI: | |
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