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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan Ilmu Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia yang berjudul Evaluasi Kinerja Pendampingan Desa Digital di Desa Punggul Kabupaten Badung Provinsi Bali, Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dan menjelaskan Tahap Reaksi melalui kepuasan, manfaat, kesulitan, Tahap pembelajaran melalui peningkatan pengetahuan dan peningkatan keterampilan, Tahap Perilaku melalui perubahan sikap dan perubahan perilaku pada Tahap Hasil melalui penerapan pengetahuan dan kualitas kondisi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Evaluasi Kirkpatrick dengan pendekatan Kualitatif, obyek penelitian yaitu Pendamping Profesional Desa dan Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 12 (dua belas) orang terdiri dari: Kepala Desa, Sekretaris Desa, Kaur Tata Usaha dan Umum, Kaur Perencanaan, Ketua BPD, Sekretaris BPD, Ketua Bumdes, Sekretaris Bumdes, Tokoh Adat, Tokoh Agama, Tokoh Masyarakat dan Tokoh Pemuda. Dari 4 (empat) tahap pada Metode Evaluasi Kirkpatrict adalah: Untuk Tahap reaksi berdasarkan pernyataan informan terhadap aspek yang dievaluasi dapat disimpulkan subfokus kepuasan sosialisasi berlangsung nyaman, menyenangkan dan dipahami, subfokus manfaat pelatihan aplikasi Informasi Desa belum berfungsi maksimal atau Sebagian aspek terlaksana (moderat), subfokus kesulitan kemampuan pendamping dalam komunikasi dan penjadwalan belum berjalan lancar atau Sebagian aspek terlaksana (moderat). Tahap pembelajaran pernyataan informan pada subfokus peningkatan pengetahuan penyusunan APBDes berbasis aplikasi aparat desa belum maksimal membuat APBDes berbasis aplikasi atau Sebagian aspek terlaksana (moderat), subfokus peningkatan keterampilan pengolahan limbah sampah plastik masyarakat telah memanfaatkan limbah plastik menjadi souvenir. Tahap Perilaku pernyataan informan terhadap subfokus perubahan sikap Budaya Literasi Digital belum menuju kemandirian digital atau Sebagian aspek terlaksana (moderat), subfokus perubahan perilaku pengelolaan dana desa tidak terdapat temuan penyalahgunaan Dana Desa namun belum optimal atau sebagian aspek terlaksana (moderat). Tahap Hasil pernyataan informan pada subfokus penerapan pengetahuan tata kelola dana desa menghasilkan laporan keuangan tepat waktu. Subfokus kondisi kualitas pemberdayaan usaha ekonomi masyarakat berdampak pada terbentuknya kelompok usaha dan produksi meningkat. Fungsi fasilitasi dan mediasi untuk semua aspek yang dievaluasi berjalan baik tetapi di 5 (lima) aspek yang dievaluasi terdapat kelemahan yaitu fungsi edukasi dan advokasi baru sebagian aspek terlaksana terutama kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan digitalisasi harus dilakukan Perbaikan pada Pengelolaan Pendampingan diawali dari Tahap Rekrutmen dan Peningkatan Kapasitas untuk meningkatkan Efektifitas Kinerja Pendampingan Desa terhadap pengembangan Desa Digital menuju Smart Village. Kata kunci : Pendampingan, Evaluasi, Kinerja, Kirkpatrick, Desa Digital   ABSTRACT This research is related to Human Resource Management Science entitled Performance Evaluation of Digital Village Assistance in Punggul Village, Badung Regency, Bali Province. The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the Reaction Stage through satisfaction, benefits, difficulties and the learning stage through increasing knowledge and increasing skills and stages. Behavior through changes in attitudes and behavior changes and at the Results Stage through the application of knowledge and quality conditions for Community Empowerment. This research method uses Kirkpatrick's Evaluation Method with a qualitative approach, the object of research is the Village Professional Assistants and Informants in this study totaling 12 (twelve) people consisting of: Village Head, Village Secretary, Head of Administration and General Affairs, Head of Planning Affairs, Chairperson BPD, BPD Secretary, Head of Bumdes, Secretary of Bumdes, Traditional Leaders, Religious Figures, Community Leaders and Youth Leaders. Of the 4 (four) stages in the Kirkpatrict Evaluation Method are: For the reaction stage based on the informant's statement on the evaluated aspect, it can be concluded that the socialization satisfaction sub-focus is comfortable, enjoyable and understandable, the sub-focus of the benefits of the Village Information application training has not been functioning optimally or some aspects are implemented (moderate) , the sub-focus of the difficulty of the companion's ability in communication and scheduling has not run smoothly or some aspects have been implemented (moderate). The learning phase of the informant's statement on the sub-focus of increasing knowledge of village apparatus application-based APBDes preparation has not maximally made application-based APBDes or Some aspects are implemented (moderate), the sub-focus of improving community plastic waste processing skills has utilized plastic waste as souvenirs. The Behavior Stage of the informant's statement regarding the sub-focus of changes in the attitude of the Digital Literacy Culture has not led to digital independence or some aspects are implemented (moderate), the sub-focus of changes in the behavior of village fund management has no findings of misuse of Village Funds but not optimal or some aspects are implemented (moderate). The results stage of the informant's statement on the sub-focus of applying the knowledge of village fund governance to produce financial reports on time. The sub-focus on the quality of community economic business empowerment has an impact on the formation of business groups and increased production. The facilitation and mediation functions for all evaluated aspects are running well but in the 5 (five) aspects evaluated there are weaknesses, namely the education and advocacy function, only some aspects are implemented, especially activities related to digitization that must be carried out Improvements in Mentoring Management starting from the Recruitment and Capacity Building Stage to increase the Effectiveness of Assistance Performance in the development of a Digital Village towards a Smart Village. Keywords: Mentoring, Evaluation, Performance, Kirkpatrick, Digital Village

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Additional Information: 1). Prof. Dr. Burhanudin Tola, MA 2). Prof. Dr. Wibowo, SE, M.Phil
Subjects: Manajemen > Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S3 Ilmu Manajemen
Depositing User: Users 5619 not found.
Date Deposited: 02 Sep 2020 15:58
Last Modified: 02 Sep 2020 15:58
URI: http://repository.unj.ac.id/id/eprint/9478

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