Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Kahoot Terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi Terhadap Pada Materi Penginderaan Jauh Geografi Kelas X di SMA Negeri 37 Jakarta

MUHAMMAD FIKRI MAULANA, . (2022) Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Kahoot Terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi Terhadap Pada Materi Penginderaan Jauh Geografi Kelas X di SMA Negeri 37 Jakarta. Sarjana thesis, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data empiris mengenai ada tidaknya pengaruh media pembelajaran Kahoot terhadap hasil belajar geografi pada materi penginderaan jauh kelas X di SMA Negeri 37 Jakarta. Penelitian ini mengggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer berupa data dari hasil pre-test dan post-test kedua kelas. Hasil statistik data sebelum perlakuan (pre-test) pada kelas eksperimen didapat nilai rata rata adalah 75.83. Frekuensi pre-test kelas kontrol mayoritas terletak pada nilai 60,65,80 dan 85 sebanyak 5 peserta didik (13.89 %). Hasil statistik data setelah perlakuan (post-test) pada kelas kontrol didapat nilai rata rata adalah 77.14. Frekuensi post-test kelas kontrol mayoritas terletak pada nilai 70 dan 85 yaitu sebanyak 7 peserta didik (19.44 %). Hasil perhitungan pada data sebelum perlakuan (pre-test) pada kelas eksperimen didapat nilai rata rata adalah 71.54. Frekuensi pre-test kelas eksperimen mayoritas terletak pada nilai 70 dan 80 sebanyak 6 peserta didik. Hasil perhitungan pada data sesudah perlakuan (post-test) pada kelas eksperimen didapat nilai rata rata adalah 80. Frekuensi post-test kelas eksperimen mayoritas terletak pada nilai 80, yaitu sebanyak 9 peserta didik (25.71 %). Berdasarkan hal tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan hasil belajar kelas kontrol dari rata-rata nilai 75.83 meningkat menjadi 76.66. Terjadi kenaikan rata-rata nilai 0.83. Sedangkan hasil belajar kelas eksperimen dari nilai 71.57 meningkat menjadi 80. Terjadi kenaikan nilai 8.43. Sehingga diketahui kenaikan skor hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih besar 7.6 dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol. Terdapat perbedaan dalam peningkatan hasil belajar secara signifikan pada kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran Kahoot. This study aims to obtain empirical data regarding the influence of Kahoot learning media on geography learning outcomes in class X remote sensing material at SMA Negeri 37 Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative method with an experimental approach to examine the effect of Kahoot learning media on learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 37 Jakarta. The purpose of the experimental method is to investigate whether there is a causal relationship and to what extent by treating the experimental group and providing a control class. The technique of collecting data from this research is to use primary data in the form of learning outcomes data obtained from the results of the pre-test and post-test of the two classes. Primary data through direct observation in taking pre - test and post – test data. The results of statistical calculations on the data before treatment (pre-test) in the experimental class obtained an average value of 75.83. The highest score in this initial test was 95 and the lowest score was 55. The pre-test frequency of the majority control class was 60,65,80 and 85 with 5 students (13.89%). The results of calculations on the data after treatment (post-test) in the control class obtained an average value of 77.14. The highest score in this final test is 95 and the lowest score is 50. The post-test frequency of the majority control class lies in the values of 70 and 85, as many as 7 students (19.44 %), and the score interval. The results of calculations on the data before treatment (pre-test) in the experimental class obtained an average value of 71.54. The highest score in this initial test was 90 and the lowest score was 45. Most of the experimental class pre-test frequencies were 70 and 80 with 6 students. The results of calculations on the data after treatment (post-test) in the experimental class obtained an average value of 80. The highest score in this final test was 95 and the lowest value was 60. Most post-test frequencies in the experimental class were 80, which was 9 students (25.71 %). Based on this, it can be concluded that the increase in pre-test and post-test learning outcomes for the control class from an average value of 75.83 increased to 76.66. There was an increase in the average value of 0.83. Meanwhile, the pre-test and post-test learning outcomes for the experimental class increased from an average value of 71.57 to 80. There was an increase in the average score of 8.43. So that it is known that the increase in the experimental class's learning outcome score is 7.6 greater than that of the control class. So that there is a significant difference in improving learning outcomes significantly in the experimental group and the control group using the Kahoot learning media.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: 1). Dr. Sucahyanto, M.Si. 2). Dr. Oot Hotimah, S.Pd, M.Si.
Subjects: Geografi, Antropologi > Geografi
Pendidikan > Media Pembelajaran
Divisions: FIS > S1 Pendidikan Geografi
Depositing User: Users 13111 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Feb 2022 06:18
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 06:18

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