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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model pelatihan kepemimpinan transformasional berbasis flex-blended bagi ketua RT. Penelitian dilakukan di Kelurahan Kampung Melayu, Jakarta Timur dengan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan. Proses tahapan pengembangan dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi model Lee & Owens. Dalam konteks ini, penelitian ini menyajikan strategi pelatihan flex-blended baru dengan platform Moodle 3.8 sebagai sistem pengelolaan pembelajarannya. Seperangkat bahan pelatihan dikembangkan oleh peneliti, kemudian dievaluasi oleh para ahli dan ketua RT. Hasil validasi tim ahli menyimpulkan bahwa model memenuhi kelayakan pengembangan model pelatihan yang menghasilkan sintaks dalam pelatihan kepemimpinan transformasional berbasis flex-blended dengan alamat URL: dan perangkat fisik (tercetak) yang mendukung kegiatan pelatihan. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan, dilakukan evaluasi one-to-one dengan ketua RT, evaluasi kelompok kecil, dan uji coba lapangan. Sejumlah 28 ketua RT yang berasal dari RW 7 dan RW 8 di Kelurahan Kampung Melayu, Jakarta Timur berpartisipasi dalam penelitian yang menggunakan desain prauji-pascauji (pretest-posttes) kelompok tunggal. Rerata prauji dan pascauji digunakan untuk mengetahui keefektifan model flex-blended. Uji-t sampel berpasangan menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik dalam kinerja ketua RT sebelum perlakuan (pretest mean) = 76,07 dan setelah perlakuan (posttest mean) = 93,21. Keduanya berbeda secara signifikan sebesar 17,14 dengan nilai p kurang dari tingkat alfa (α) = 0,05 yang menunjukkan peningkatan karena perlakuan model pelatihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketua RT sangat senang dan sangat setuju dengan diadakannya pelatihan berbasis flex-blended ini, meskipun penggunaan platform terkadang dianggap agak rumit oleh sejumlah kecil ketua RT. Strategi ini juga memudahkan penyelesaian tugas selama masa pelatihan karena dapat dilakukan di mana saja dan kapan saja. Hal ini meningkatkan efisiensi dan kinerja ketua RT. Kata Kunci: Flex-Blended, Model Pelatihan, Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Ketua RT ******** The purpose of this study is to develop a flex-blended-based transformational leadership training model for the head of neighborhood. The research was conducted in Kampung Melayu Sub District East Jakarta using a research and development (R&D) approach. The process of development stages adapts the Lee & Owens models. In this context, this study presents a new flex-blended training strategy using the Moodle 3.8 platform as its learning management system. A set of training materials was developed by the researcher, than was evaluated by experts and the heads of the neighborhood. the results of the expert team’s validation concluded that the model meets the feasibility of developing a training model that produce syntax in flex-blended-based transformational leadership training with the URL address: and physical devices that support training activities. Based on the results of the feasibility test then continued with one-to-one head of neighborhoods, small group, and field trial. A total of 28 heads of the neighborhood from Hamlet of 7 and Hamlet of 8 in Kampung Melayu Sub District East Jakarta participated in this study. A single group pretest-posttest design was used. The means of the pretest and posttest were examined to find the effectiveness of the flex-blended model. A paired sample t-test showed that there is a statistically significant difference in the students’ performance before the treatment (pre-test Mean = 76.07) and after the treatment (post-test Mean = 93.21). They were significantly different by 17.14 with a p-value less than alpha level (α = .05), indicating an improvement due to the treatment of the training model. The results showed that the heads of the neighborhood were very happy and strongly agreed with the holding of this flex-blended-based training, even though it was sometimes considered a bit complicated in using the platform for a small number of heads of the neighborhood. This strategy also facilitates the process of completing the training task because it can be done anywhere and anytime throughout the training period. This increases the efficiency and performance of the heads of the neighborhood. Keywords: Flex-Blended, Training Model, Transformational Leadership, Head of Neighborhood

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Additional Information: 1). Prof. Dr. Mohammad Syarif Sumantri, M.Pd. ; 2). Dr. Murti Kusuma Wirasti, M.Pd
Subjects: Pendidikan > Media Pembelajaran
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > S3 Teknologi Pendidikan
Depositing User: Users 15757 not found.
Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2022 07:47
Last Modified: 05 Sep 2022 07:47

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