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Praktek Kerja Lapangan sangatlah penting untuk peserta didik SMK terutama dalam pengembangan kompetensi keahlihan dan sikap kerja. Namun pada realitanya masih banyak kekurangan dalam penyusunan program Praktek Kerja Lapangan SMK yang kurang berjalan dengan baik. Maka penelitian ini membuat sebuah model Praktek Kerja Lapangan dengan berbasis Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar pada SMK Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik dan Bisnis Sepeda Motor. Model Praketek Kerja Lapanganyang di kembangkan bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan peserta didik dalam penguasaan kompetensi teknis (technical skills), menginternalisasi karakter dan budaya kerja (soft skills), proses pengelolaan danpengembangan bengkel sepeda motor Penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pengembang model Borg & Gall dan eksperimen desain penelitian one group pretest dan posttest. Model pengembangan Borg dan Gall ini memiliki 10 langkah pelaksanaan: (1) penelitian dan pengumpulan data (research and information colleting), (2) perencanaan (planning), (3) pengembangan draft produk (develop preliminary form of product), (4) uji coba lapangan (preliminary field testing), (5) penyempurnaan produk awal (main product revision), (6) uji coba lapangan (main field testing), (7) menyempurnakan produk hasil uji lapangan (operational product revision), (8) uji pelaksanaan lapangan (operasional field testing), (9) penyempurnaan produk akhir (final product revision). Hasil uji ahli yang dilakukan menyatakan model Praktek Kerja Lapangan sangat layak sebesar 100% . Penilaian ahli media menyatakan layak dengan persentase 90% Penilaian ahli materi menyatakan layak dengan persentase 80%. Penialian ahli Instrumen pretest dan postest 84 %. Hasil telaah ahli media dan ahli materi menunjukkan bahwa model Praktek Kerja Lapangan yang telah diuji tersebut, perlu dan layak untuk dikembangkan dan layak untuk digunakan sebagai model Praktek Kerja Lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil uji efektivitas didapat nilai Asymp.sig.sebesar 0,000< 0,05, artinya terdapat perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar antara pretest dan posttest. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa model Praktek Kerja Lapangan dengan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar pada SMK Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik dan Bisnis Sepeda Motor efektif untuk meningkatkan persiapan peserta didik sebelum mengikuti Praktek Kerja Lapangan berbasis Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar. ***** Field Work Practices are very important for vocational students, especially in the development of skills competence and work attitude. However, in reality there are still many deficiencies in the preparation of the Vocational Job Training program which is not going well. So this study created a model of Field Work Practice based on the Free Learning Curriculum at Motorcycle Engineering and Business Competency Vocational High Schools. The Fieldwork Practicum model developed aims to prepare students in mastering technical competencies (technical skills), internalizing character and work culture (soft skills), managing and developing motorcycle repair shops. The research used was the Borg & Gall model developer and one group pretest and posttest research design experiments. The Borg and Gall development model has 10 implementation steps: (1) research and data collection (research and information colleting), (2) planning (planning), (3) product draft development (develop preliminary form of product), (4) field trials (preliminary field testing), (5) improvement of the initial product (main product revision), (6) field trials (main field testing), (7) perfecting the results of field tests (operational product revision), (8) field implementation test (operational field testing), (9) final product revision (final product revision). The results of the expert test carried out stated that the Field Work Practice model was very feasible at 100%. The media expert's assessment stated that it was feasible with a percentage of 90%. The material expert's assessment stated that it was feasible with a percentage of 80%. Expert rating Instrument pretest and posttest 84%. The results of the review of media experts and material experts show that the Field Work Practice model that has been tested is necessary and feasible to be developed and feasible to be used as a Field Work Practice model. Based on the results of the effectiveness test, the Asymp.sig. value was 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there was an average difference in learning outcomes between pretest and posttest. The results of the data analysis show that the Field Work Practice model with the Implementation of the Free Learning Curriculum at Motorcycle Engineering and Business Competency Vocational High Schools is effective for improving students' preparation before participating in the Free Learning Curriculum-based Field Work Practices.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Additional Information: | 1). Prof. Dr. C. Rudy Prihantoro, M.Pd. ; 2). Prof. Dr. Soeprijanto, M.Pd. |
Subjects: | Pendidikan > Teori, Penelitian Pendidikan Pendidikan > Pendidikan Kejuruan dan Sekolah Kejuruan Teknologi dan Ilmu Terapan > Otomotif, Astronotika |
Divisions: | FT > S2 Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan |
Depositing User: | Users 19553 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 06 Sep 2023 04:46 |
Last Modified: | 06 Sep 2023 04:46 |
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