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Evaluasi pada pendidikan dan pelatihan dimaknai sebagai salah satu rangkaian proses keseluruhan sebuah pengelolaan pada kegiatan penyelenggaraan program untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Proses sistematis dan kontinu ini bermanfaat untuk mendapatkan laporan kualitas dan kuantitas serta memahami relevansi program terhadap kebutuhan peserta didik. Fokus penelitian ini adalah evaluasi implementasi pendidikan dan pelatihan pengembangan kompetensi tenaga penjual pada program semi bantuan pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Meliputi komponen Context yaitu kajian landasan yuridis dan hukum, kebutuhan sasaran, visi, misi, tujuan program, komponen Input mencakup kajian rencana strategis yang telah dilakukan mencapai tujuan meliputi peserta didik, tenaga pendidik, desain dan kurikulum, dan sarana prasarana, komponen Process mencakup tinjauan uji tuntas pada keabsahan penyelenggara, uji tata kelola dengan cakupan sumberdaya material dan non material guna kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksaanaan, serta pemantauan, dan komponen Product mencakup hasil akhir rangkaian kegiatan menilai hasil kecukupan kebutuhan penerima manfaat. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan sebagai bahan masukan bagi pihak penyelenggara program pendidikan dan pelatihan dalam rangka pengendalian mutu pendidikan non formal. Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah perlunya keberlanjutan program yang tidak ditujukan hanya pada kedudukan program semi bantuan sosial sementara, tetapi bisa menjadi praktik contoh keberlangsungan perkembangan penyelenggaraan pendidikan non formal, khususnya bagi angkatan kerja yang tidak mempunyai kecukupan akses luas untuk pembelajaran seumur hidup. Perlunya peningkatan sumber infrastruktur yang memadai dari Pemerintah Republik Indonesia seperti akses bebas jaringan internet sehingga kendala jaringan pada sistim pembelajaran jarak jauh pun dapat teratasi mengingat Indonesia akan mengalami bonus demografi ditahun 2030 sehingga tuntutan untuk menambahkan kecakapan golongan angkatan kerja adalah nyata. Perlu adanya pengembangan model pembelajaran jarak jauh yang memberikan kebermanfaatan yaitu keluasan aksesibilitas, desain pembelajaran yang fleksibel, keterlibatan yang lebih baik, konten kearifan lokal untuk terciptanya iklusi budaya, peningkatan interaksi sosial dalam lingkungan belajar. Dan bagi fasilitator perlunya adanya pengembangan kompetensi pendagogik dan professional berkelanjutan keterkaitannya dengan teknologi pendidikan, sedangkan bagi pihak penyelenggara perlu adanya pemodelan tatakelola daya saing tinggi dalam menghadapi tantangan era revolusi industri 4.0 dan society 5.0, guna melahirkan lulusan yang cakap sesuai dengan standar Klasifikasi Baku Jabatan Republik Indonesia dan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia. Keyword: Evaluasi, pendidikan dan pelatihan, pengembangan kompetensi tenaga penjual, CIPP. ******** Evaluation in education and training is interpreted as one of a series of overall processes in the management of program implementation activities to achieve educational goals. This systematic and continuous process is useful for obtaining quality and quantity reports, as well as understanding the relevance of the program to the needs of students. The focus of this research is the evaluation of the implementation of education and training for the development of sales force competence in the semi-government assistance program of the Republic of Indonesia. It includes the Context component, namely a study of the legal and juridical basis, target needs, vision, mission, program goals, the Input component, which includes a study of strategic plans that have been carried out to achieve goals, including participants, educators, design and curriculum, and facilities and infrastructure, the Process component, which includes a review of due diligence on the legitimacy of the organizers, a review of governance with the scope of material and non-material resources for planning, implementation, and monitoring activities, and the Product component, which includes the final results of a series of activities to assess the adequacy of the needs of the beneficiaries. The results of this study are expected to provide input to the organizers of education and training programs in the context of quality control of non-formal education. The recommendations of this study are the need for the sustainability of the program, which is not only aimed at the position of a temporary semi-social assistance program but could become a practice example of the sustainability of the development of non-formal education, especially for the workforce who do not have sufficient access to lifelong learning. The need for an increase in adequate infrastructure resources from the government of the Republic of Indonesia, such as free access to the internet network, so that network constraints in the distance learning system can also be overcome, considering that Indonesia will experience demographic bonuses in 2030 in the productive age group, namely the workforce, so the demand to add the skills of the workforce is real. There is a need to develop a distance learning model that provides more benefits to students such as accessibility, flexibility, better engagement, and the addition of cultural content or local wisdom to encompass diversity, thus creating cultural inclusion. For facilitators, there needs to be continuous professional competency development related to educational technology. Meanwhile, organizers require strategies to win competitiveness, which is the main target in facing the challenges of the Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 revolution era, to produce capable and competent graduates following the Standard Classification of Indonesian Republic Job Positions and the National Indonesian Job Competency Standards. Keywords: Evaluation, education and training, sales force competency development, CIPP

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Additional Information: 1). Prof. Dr. Suryadi ; 2). Dr. Matin, M.Pd.
Subjects: Pendidikan > Pendidikan Dasar
Pendidikan > Teori, Penelitian Pendidikan
Divisions: FIP > S2 Manajemen Pendidikan
Depositing User: Users 21418 not found.
Date Deposited: 05 Feb 2024 23:55
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2024 23:55
URI: http://repository.unj.ac.id/id/eprint/43799

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