LISDA YUNI MARDIAH, . (2024) PERSEPSI GURU SEKOLAH DASAR AWAL MENGENAI KESIAPAN SEKOLAH PESERTA DIDIK DI KABUPATEN TAPANULI SELATAN (Studi Explanatory di Kecamatan Batang Angkola, Sayur Matinggi dan Angkola Muaratais di Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan). Magister thesis, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA.
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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran komprehensif mengenai persepsi guru sekolah dasar awal terhadap kesiapan sekolah peserta didik di Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan. Berdasarkan rumusan masalah, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mixed methods dengan desain sequential explanatory, yang menggabungkan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian adalah Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, dengan fokus pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri di kecamatan Batang Angkola, Sayur Matinggi, dan Angkola Muaratais. Sampel penelitian mencakup 59 guru kelas 1 dari 46 SDN di tiga kecamatan tersebut, yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Responden terdiri dari guru kelas 1 yang memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi kuesioner, wawancara, observasi non partisipatif, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif untuk data kuantitatif dan menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman untuk data kualitatif, yang mencakup reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap persepsi guru mengenai kesiapan sekolah peserta didik di daerah pedesaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi guru mengenai kesiapan sekolah peserta didik di Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan umumnya positif, dengan aspek motivasi dan sikap belajar mendapatkan nilai tertinggi. Namun, aspek sosial-emosional mendapatkan perhatian lebih rendah. Guru sering memprioritaskan kemampuan akademis seperti membaca, menulis, dan berhitung, yang lebih mudah diukur dan dipantau. Akibatnya, perkembangan sosial-emosional siswa kurang diperhatikan. Guru mengatasi tantangan ini dengan berbagai strategi, seperti pendekatan personal, pujian, tugas tambahan, PR dan remedial. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi guru, meliputi mikrosistem dan mesosistem. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi guru mengenai kesiapan sekolah peserta didik meliputi kemampuan akademik peserta didik, motivasi dan sikap belajar, dukungan keluarga serta keterlibatan keluarga. Kata Kunci: Persepsi Guru, Kesiapan Sekolah, Anak Usia Dini *********** ABSTRACT This study aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of the perceptions of early elementary school teachers toward the school readiness of students in South Tapanuli Regency. Based on the formulation of the problem, this study uses a mixed methods approach with a sequential explanatory design, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods. The research location was South Tapanuli Regency, focusing on Public Elementary Schools in Batang Angkola, Sayur Matinggi, and Angkola Muaratais sub-districts. The research sample included 59 grade 1 teachers from 46 SDN in the three sub-districts, who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Respondents consisted of grade 1 teachers who had at least 2 years of experience. Data collection techniques included questionnaires, interviews, non-participatory observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out descriptively for quantitative data and using the Miles and Huberman model for qualitative data, which included data reduction, data display, and data verification. This research is expected to provide a significant contribution to teachers' perceptions of students' school readiness in rural areas. The results of this study show that teachers' perceptions of learners' school readiness in South Tapanuli District are generally positive, with motivational aspects and learning attitudes receiving the highest scores. However, social-emotional aspects received less attention. Teachers often prioritize academic skills such as literacy and numeracy. These are easier to measure and monitor. As a result, students' social-emotional development receives less attention. Teachers address this challenge with a variety of strategies, including personalized approaches, praise, extra work, homework, and remedials. This study identifies factors that influence teachers' perceptions. These factors include the microsystem and the mesosystem. Factors such as students' academic ability, motivation and attitudes toward learning, family support, and family involvement are identified as influencing teachers' perceptions of students' school readiness. Keywords: Teacher Perception, School Readiness, Early Childhood
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Additional Information: | 1). Dr. Sri Wulan, M.Si. ; 2). Dr. Phil.Zarina Akbar, M.Psi. |
Subjects: | Pendidikan > Evaluasi Pendidikan Pendidikan > Teori, Penelitian Pendidikan Pendidikan > Kualifikasi dan Profesionalitas Guru |
Divisions: | FIP > S2 Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini |
Depositing User: | Users 25826 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 02 Dec 2024 01:17 |
Last Modified: | 02 Dec 2024 01:17 |
URI: | |
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