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Manajemen Pengorganisasian kurikulum ecopesantren merupakan upaya mengorganisasikan kurikulum dengan menggunakan dua pendekatan, yakni secara struktural dalam konteks manajemen melalui proses penetapan dan pembagian tugas-tugas yang terspesialisasi dan secara fungsional dalam konteks akademik melalui struktur program kurikulum yang diintegrasikan pada lingkup pendidikan formal di madrasah dan non formal di pesantren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan manajemen pengorganisasian kurikulum ecopesantren. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi dan studi kasus (case study). Sumber data diperoleh berasal dari wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori kurikulum, teori manajemen kurikulum, teori model pengembangan kurikulum, teori pengorganisasian kurikulum, teori rentan perubahan iklim dan teori ecopesantren. Lokasi pada penelitian ini dilakukan di Yayasan Pondok Pesantren SPMAA Lamongan, Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa manajemen pengorganisasian kurikulum ecopesantren secara struktural dalam konteks manajemen menggunakan model The Administrative (line-Staff). Hal ini dikarenakan inisiatif dan gagasan berasal dari para administrator pendidikan dan menggunakan prosedur kerja secara administratif sesuai dengan alur hirarki jabatan. Sedangkan manajemen pengorganisasian kurikulum ecopesantren secara fungsional dalam konteks akademik melalui struktur program kurikulum dilihat secara horizontal menggunakan kurikulum terintegrasi (Integrated Curriculum). Sedangkan secara vertikal pada pendidikan formal menggunakan sistem kelas atau jenjang kelas. Hal ini berbeda dengan sistem yang digunakan di pesantren menggunakan sistem Satuan Kredit Semester (SKS). Prinsip dasar pengorganisasian kurikulum ecopesantren terdiri dari prinsip produktivitas, demokratisasi, kooperatif, efektivitas, dan pengarahan visi, misi dan tujuan. Sedangkan acuan dalam pengorganisasian kurikulum ecopesantren adalah Bapak Guru M.A. Muchtar, saran dan pendapat dari berbagai kolega, dan studi referensi. Management Organizing the eco-Islamic boarding school curriculum is an effort to organize the curriculum using two approaches, namely structurally in the context of management through the process of determining and dividing specialized tasks and functionally in the academic context through the structure of the curriculum program which is integrated into the scope of formal education in madrasas and non-formal at the boarding school. This study aims to analyze and describe the management of the eco-Islamic boarding school curriculum. This study uses a type of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and case study (case study). Sources of data obtained from interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The theory used in this research is curriculum theory, curriculum management theory, curriculum development model theory, curriculum organizing theory, climate change vulnerability theory and eco-Islamic boarding school theory. The location of this research was carried out at the SPMAA Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Lamongan, East Java. The results of the study show that structurally the management of the eco-Islamic boarding school curriculum in the context of management uses The Administrative (line-Staff) model. This is because the initiatives and ideas come from educational administrators and use work procedures administratively in accordance with the position hierarchy. Meanwhile, the management of organizing the eco-Islamic boarding school curriculum functionally in an academic context through the structure of the curriculum program is seen horizontally using an integrated curriculum (Integrated Curriculum). Meanwhile, vertically, formal education uses a class system or grade level. This is different from the system used in Islamic boarding schools using the Semester Credit Unit (SKS) system. The basic principles of organizing the eco-Islamic boarding school curriculum consist of the principles of productivity, democratization, cooperation, effectiveness, and direction of vision, mission and goals. While the reference in organizing the eco-Islamic boarding school curriculum is Mr. M.A. Muchtar, suggestions and opinions from various colleagues, and reference studies.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Additional Information: | 1). Rihlah Nur Aulia, M.A. 2). Dr. Amaliyah, M.A. |
Subjects: | Pendidikan > Pendidikan Dasar Manajemen > Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia |
Divisions: | FIS > S1 Pendidikan Agama Islam |
Depositing User: | Users 20215 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 06 Sep 2023 03:30 |
Last Modified: | 06 Sep 2023 03:30 |
URI: | |
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